Airbattle Report

18 September: D + 1


- AEAF: The second Lift: 1277 planes in total, with gliders; 137 Stirlings, 122 RAF. Dakota’s, 43 Albemarles, 31 Halifaxes, 821 U.S. Dakota’s. With para’s;124 U.S. Dakota’s.

Loses: 26 U.S. Dakota’s , 1 RAF Dakota,and 3 Stirlings. The support was by 262 Spitfire’s, 48 Tempests and 36 RAF. Mustangs, 5 planes did not return.

- 8 Th Airforce: 252 B-24’s flew to the theatre and the planes had to fly at very low altitude for the so called trucking missions, that the crews could see the clock faces on the church towers.13 got hit, 9 by small arms 4 by AA fire ( 7 did not return) and 246 reached their goal and dropped 782 ton. off supplies. They were supported by 183 fighters.(P-47,P-38 and P-51) and engaged with 90 German Bf-109’s fighters. 15 P-47 and 5 P-51 were lost mostly to AA fire. (Also 26 planes from the 9 Th airforce were lost).

- ADGB: The Dutch 322 Spitfire sq. could fly again above ,,home ‘’grounds and gave support to the gliders.

- Luftwaffe: US. Figthers engaged with 90 Messerschmitt Bf-190 35 Fw-190 and Bf-109 and 3 other planes were lost, mostly by Mustangs.

(26 claimed by the 357 Fighter Group.)

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