11 February 2004
Alex de Groot
Dit is geweldig wat jullie doen. Die mannen die voor ons gevochten hebben en gesneuveld
zijn mogen nooit worden vergeten. Ze verdienen alle eer. Ga zo door.
11 February 2004
Stephan Wijering
Geweldige site, zo houdt je de herinnering aan deze helden van de brug levend. Een
minpuntje is echter dat bij elke aangeklikte link ook een nieuw browservenster wordt
geopend, waardoor je een hele bak men openstaande vensters hebt, dit is wat iritant.
Verder een geweldig initiatief en een goede site. Ga zo door.
11 February 2004
B. Talman
Hi guys, good job you made a site about this operation. Though, there are quite a lot of
typos in your site. If you need someone to check and correct the spelling you know whom to
contact, Greetz, Bram
11 February 2004
Netty Feskens
Geweldig uitgebreide site! Prachtig om het op deze manier in herinnering te houden, dat
moet ook, we are not allowed to forget! Wat ik echter mis is de Nederlandse versie van de
site. De Engelse tekst is ook niet je van het, zoals al eerder is opgemerkt in dit
gastenboek. En het geheel is een beetje rommelig. Verder...ga zo door. Ik ben heel
benieuwd naar de nieuwe database. Groet, Netty Feskens
11 February 2004
piet korf
fantastische site ,ik kijk er met plezier en veel interesse naar, verhalen en foto,s zijn
heel indrukwekkend.Ga zo door .
11 February 2004
Ray Koot
Ik herinner de slag om Arnhem nog heel goed Ik woonde toen in Velp.Dit zijn emotioneele
herinneringen die ik nooit vergeten zal. It is well documented.Best wishes. Ray Koot Dutch
War Veteran and Canadian War Veteran (Lifemember) Service -Officer Royal Canadian Legion.
12 February 2004
Geweldige site, wat een werk! Heb nog lang niet alles gezien, maar kom graag nog eens
terug. Mooie eigentijdse manier om de herinnering aan onze bevrijders -al duurde het toen
nog even- levend te houden. Alle hulde en veel aandacht gewenst!
12 February 2004
enno vos, roden(dr.)
Wat ik tot nu toe heb gezien is zeer indrukwekkend en het zou goed zijn, dat alle
Nederlanders het zouden bekijken en zich realiseren wat alle andere naties voor onze
bevrijding hebben gedaan. Hulde !!!!!!
12 February 2004
Jasper Koopmans
Hello, this site is a wunderfull picture of how the war was and i think you are doing a
very good job. i hope that the site could stay here on the internet forever!! so no-one
can forget this item of the WWII. Because in this war No-one fought alone! With friendly
greetings, Jasper Koopmans
12 February 2004
Jo Verhoef
Ik zag zojuist de tv-uitzending op Netwerk. Wat een geweldig respect voor deze doden en
daarmee dus ook voor hun leven! Met jullie fantastische inspanning laten jullie deze
moedige en veel te jong gestorven mensen,die hun leven hebben gegeven voor onze vrijheid,
weer een beetje leven: een fraai eerbetoon en een onsterflijk monument,dat ook hoop geeft
in een verhardende wereld en mij erg heeft geraakt. Ga vooral zo door en heel veel verdere
energie en steun toegewenst. Jo Verhoef (51 jaar, geboren en getogen in Huissen, nu
woonachtig in Elst, allemaal dichtbij die ene brug)
12 February 2004
Jasper Koopmans
Lelystad (NL)Netherlands
Ik vind deze site heel heel indrukwekkend omdat ik dit onderwerp heel erg interessant vind
ik hoop ook dat jullie deze site hier eeuwig kunnen laten staan want wat hier gebeurt is
mag nooit meer vergeten worden!!! Beacause there mission was not To die for there country
but let the enemy die for his! En dat is ze gelukt de vijand is verslagen en dat blijft
Zo. Hulde aan alle gesneuvelden!!!
12 February 2004
Truus Jansen uit Cuyk NB geb 18-5-33 is gered door een man die Pick heette.
12 February 2004
Frans Hendriks
Wat een mooie site! Na het Journaal meteen opgezocht. Mijn vader heeft de hele oorlog in
het verzet gezeten. Er werden na het eten altijd verhalen vertelt. Zo ben ik er mee
opgegroeid. Nu rij ik de BSA M20 motor die tijdens WO II gebruikt is. Samen met mijn zoon
Nick gaan we naar D-day en zo geven we de geschiedenis door. Want wie van de geschiedenis
niet wil leren zal herhalen. En deze site is daar een uitstekende plek voor. Veel sucses
en bedankt Frans en Nick Hendriks
12 February 2004
Ron van der Bol
Hallo Mr Hoekstra en Mr Ammerlaan. Ik zag vanavond de documentaire over jullie website.
Een geweldig plan om deze mannen op deze manier te eren. Die mannen die voor mij allemaal
helden zijn. Ik heb samen met mn zwager de begraafplaatsen en de museums bezocht en vond
ze indrukwekkend net als jullie site. Ga zo door.
13 February 2004
Studie- en Levende Geschiedenis Groep Burgers wo2
Goede site! Mogen we naar u linken? Bezoek ook onze site; Studie- en Levende Geschiedenis
Groep Burgerbevolking 1940/1945 www.joeri.net/4045
13 February 2004
Rob Stolk
Uitstekende site, een monster klus, Als jullie voor de presentatie van de 22 februari
tijdelijk een mirror server willen gebruiken dan kan dit vrijblijvend op onze Veteranen
server. Met vriendelijke groet. R.Stolk
13 February 2004
Henk Madern
Mogen we dit nooit vergeten ,wat deze helden deden voor nederland, en betaald hebben met
hun leven.
13 February 2004
Mooie site jammer dat ik de uitzending gemist heb. Dit mag nooit vergeten worden. Ik mis
alleen de nederlandse versie, hopelijk komt dit nog.
13 February 2004
Alfred Saak
Gisteravond heb ik met belangstelling gekeken naar de uitzending over jullie site in het
programma Netwerk. Ik heb het opgenomen op dvd. Omdat ik erg geïnteresseerd ben in de
geschiedenis van de Tweede Wereldoorlog ben ik alert op uitzendingen over dit onderwerp.
Deze site vind ik erg mooi en zal er regelmatig naar kijken. Zo ben ik nogal bezig met de
gebeurtenissen op 6 juni 1944 en ben een aantal keren naar de invasiestranden in
Normandië geweest. Een impressie hiervan, aangevuld met meer informatie over D-Day is te
vinden op mijn site www.saak.nl
13 February 2004
René van Lemmeren
Geachte heren Hoekstra en Ammerlaan, naar aanleiding van de tv uitzending heb uw site
bezocht, deze is zeer indrukwekkend. De WW2 heeft door de verhalen van grootvader een
diepe indruk op mij achtergelaten, mijn grootvader is namelijk in 42 door de Grüne
Polizei in amsterdam opgepakt en tewerkgesteld in duitsland, na 1,5 jaar mocht hij op kort
verlof waarna hij in amsterdam is ondergedoken en deze wrede oorlog heeft overleefd,
dankzij onze bevrijders. met vriendelijke groet, Hoogachtend R. van Lemmeren
13 February 2004
L. van Wingerden
Indrukwekkend de uitzending van Netwerk over Market Garden en uw bijdrage daarin. Een
bijzonder goed initiatief om een digitaal monument op te starten en te onderhouden. Ik
denk dat er nog zeer veel informatie voorhanden is en geplaatst kan worden! Veel succes
met uw werk.
13 February 2004
John Willemsen
Zeer interesante site. Ben zeer geintreseerd in de sites over de soldaten die ons de
vrijheid hebben gegeven . Dit mag nooit vergeten worden. Groeten John
14 February 2004
P. Jonker
"In respect of those who risked and payed the ultimate price for a liberated
Europe." Als iemand die nooit oorlog heeft meegemaakt, maar wel het besef heeft
meegekregen dat vrijheid iets dat ten koste van de hoogste prijs (is) wordt gerealiseerd,
wil ik de makers van deze site complimenteren. U heeft een bijdrage geleverd aan het
historisch besef van Nederland, dat nooit vergeten mag worden. Complimenten!!! Met
vriendelijke groet, P. Jonker
14 February 2004
Igor Choromanski
Thank you for this site I hope those who fought for free Europe will be not forgoten. Now
Europe unites after 50 years of separation.
14 February 2004
Een greep uit de email reakties: Jullie website:
Maakt me dankbaar en verdrietig. klasse dat jullie dit eerbetoon op het internet zetten.
want ik weet zeker dat dit ook voor de nabestaanden heel belangrijk is.
Marjanne Wensink
fantastisch Ik ben diep onder de indruk van de enorme inspanningen die jullie aan
dit monument hebben gegeven en nog zullen geven. Laat deze website een ontmoetingsplaats
worden voor ons die nu nog dankbaar mogen zijn van degenen die dit hebben geprobeerd en de
veteranen en hun nabestaanden. Zelf (50 jr) grote interesse in de oorlogsjaren t.a.v. alle
militaire slagen in Europa.
Harry te Stroete
Versteeg P
Bedankt voor dit mooi stuk werk.thanks to al the boys that i can speak now dutch, thanks
Al tientallen jaren zijn wij aanwezig bij de herdenking in september en enige keren per
jaar bezoeken wij het ereveld.elke keer vragen wij ons af zijn wij het waard geweest
waarvoor zij hun leven gaven?
H. Bos
Ik vind het een heel goed inniatief van deze mensen
Respectvol en met eerbied volg ik als 75-jarige dit onderwerp. Via deze site wil ik graag
meer weten over degenen die ons hebben bevrijd en hun leven hebben gegeven. Wie waren zij
en wat gaven zij op?
Jan de Haan Sr
Klasse. Hier neem ik diep mijn oude(1952-1954) groene baret voor af.
Buitengewoon interessante doco en dito initiatief van de twee arnhemmers !! Complimenten
Johan van Doornen Doetinchem.
Van zowel mijn vrouw als van mij diepe bewondering voor wat u voor elkaar hebt gebracht in
deze site. De namen op de stenen gaan nu nog meer leven! De overledenen verdienen dit en
wij vergeten hen niet. We'll remember them.
M. van Toorenenbergen
Geweldig initiatief! Een mooie zaak dat deze helden die vochten voor onze vrijheid in de
herinnering blijven. Een belangrijk stukje wereldgeschiedenis in eigen land moet herdacht
worden. Hulde!
Arthur Sessink
Gisteravond keek ik naar 'netwerk' en was erg onder de indruk van de reportage over deze
website. Woorden schieten eigenlijk te kort om te beschrijven hoe geweldig goed dit
project is. Belangrijk is het zeker. Met recht een historisch monument! Bedankt.
Vriendelijke groeten,
Hierbij wil ik mijn waardering uitspreken voor wat julie doen ter nagedachtenis aan de
gevallenen in en rond Arnhem.Jaarlijks kom ik eenmaal in Oosterbeek op het kerkhof en heb
vaak gedacht wat er achter al die namen op de stenen schuilgaat. Dit wordt met julie werk
nu zichtbaar. Bedankt.
C.J.van Kruining
Geweldig! Ik wou jullie even ondersteunen door en welgemeend bedankt te zenden. met dit
geweldig initatief. alle lof en respect. Ik kijk uit naar de 22e feb. Dit hebben onze
bevrijders zeker verdient. Groet
Hans van der Linden.
Grandioos wat jullie voor elkaar hebben gebracht. Mochten jullie hulp nodig hebben om
gegevens te achterhalen kun je een beroep op me doen.Heb vrij veel connecties en kennis en
ken nogal wat veteranen uit Engeland en Canada. Vraag: Gaan jullie dit ook uitbreiden voor
de Americanen van de 82e en 101e luchtlandingsdivisie's die bij Eindhoven en Nijmegen zijn
gesprongen? Als je hulp nodig hebt dan hoor ik het wel.
J. Vingerling
complimentje! Zeer nuttig om te laten zien dat we ze nog niet vergeten zijn want dankzij
hen spreken wij nu geen duits.
o janssen
Netwerk gezien ben zeer benieuwd naar deze site heb een aantal boeken over marketgarden,
heeft al jaren mijn belangstelling
J. Vijfvinkel
Alle lof en respect voor het werk dat jullie doen en al gedaan hebben. Ik ben van mening
dat zij die ons daadwerkelijk (ik bedoel hiermee de man/vrouw die persoonlijk aan de
strijd deelnam) bevrijdt hebben (en een poging daartoe gedaan hebben) altijd te weinig
aandacht hebben gekregen - Wat jullie nu doen had veel eerder moeten gebeuren. M'n opa was
ook bij de strijd betrokken op de Grebbeberg en werd gevangen genomen en afgevoerd naar
Lückenwalde. Helaas heeft hij hier nooit over willen spreken.....en dit gegeven weet ik
pas sinds de begrafenis van zijn vrouw. Ik kan slechts een conclusie trekken: Vooral
doorgaan met dit werk.....Helaas ontbreekt het mij aan de tijd anders had ik jullie van
ganse harte meegeholpen....Pro Deo. Met vriendelijke groet,
M. Ritsma
Erg emotioneel over de 2 broers doet je beseffen welk een vrijheid wij nu dankzij zoveel
helden hebben!
Ik had al heel wat gevonden op internet, maar nog niet deze site. Een geweldig initiatief,
speciaal ook voor overlevenden en nabestaanden. Ooit ontmoette ik in West-Canada een
oudstrijder van `Arnhem'. Hij was nooit meer teruggeweest. Ik denk dat veel veteranen,
zeker als ze in Canada of een ander ver land wonen, de reis niet kunnen bekostigen. Is
daar iets over bekend? En zijn er misschien fondsen om deze mensen nu het in september 60
jaar geleden is in de gelegenheid te stellen over te komen, als ze dat zouden willen?
Henk Schreuder
Als regelmatige bezoeker van Museum Hotel Hartenstein ben ik de makers zeer dankbaar voor
hun inzet om een website over de operatie MG te maken.
J. Thenu
Prachtig wat jullie doen!! Is er ook informatie te vinden over degenen die Market Garden
hebben overleefd en bijv. gevangen zijn genomen? Dit vraag ik omdat de oom van een Engelse
vriend dit is overkomen. Hij wilde er nooit over praten. Jullie zullen wel veel reacties
krijgen, dus ik begrijp als er geen tijd is te antwoorden. Met vriendelijke groet,
Mary du Pau Alphen aan den Rijn
Heren, ik wil graag mijn waardering en respect tonen voor dit fantastische iniatief van
jullie, ik denk zeker dat het voorziet in een behoefte en ook de nabestaanden zullen dit
zeer waarderen, en natuurlijk de gevallenen hebben er recht op, we zullen ze nooit
vergeten. mvrgr,
Dit is wel het"minste" dat we na zoveel jaren kunnen doen. Een prachtig
Theo Thier
Indrukwekkend initiatief.
geweldig dat jullie dit doen
jm vogels
Ik zag op Netwerk zojuist jullie initiatief... mijn complimenten, heren! Een prima
initiatief, zeker in deze tijd. Nederlanders mogen wel eens wat dankbaarder zijn voor
alles wat de Amerikanen destijds voor onze toekomst gedaan hebben. Succes gewenst en ga zo
door! Vriendelijke groet,
Michel Versteeg, Nijmegen.
fantastisch initiatief
Hallo, Net het item op netwerk gezien. Onwijs goed initiatief vind ik! Ik besef dat het
veel werk moet zijn en ik wens jullie succes met de website. Als hij af is zal ik hem
zeker bezoeken en de verhalen lezen. Dit is echt een goede toevoeging op de monumenten die
al bestaan.
M.T. heemskerk
Jullie digitale monument is indrukwekkend. Ga door.
Hartstikke mooi initiatief!!!!!!!!
Wat een prachtig initiatief.
Frank Kappers
Bedankt. Ik ben geboren in 1934 en heb WO II bewust meegemaakt. Wij woonde toen in Tilburg
en heb de vliegtuigen met aanhang over ons huis zien komen, het werd echt donker. De
Duitse militairen, die in de school achter ons ingekwartierd, waren doodsbang! Ik ben
jullie zéér dankbaar voor dit initiatief. Vanaf mijn jeugd tot nu toe heb ik heel veel
respect voor die, vooral jonge mensen, hun leven gegeven hebben voor onze
VRIJHEID.Nogmaals bedankt,
Als zestienjarige zag ik de gliders in dongen overkomen evenals de begeleidende
liberators. uw iniatief verdient lof!
Fred Wijburg
Geweldig initiatief! Een mooie zaak dat deze helden die vochten voor onze vrijheid in de
herinnering blijven. Een belangrijk stukje wereldgeschiedenis in eigen land moet herdacht
worden. Hulde!
Arthur Sessink
Gisteravond keek ik naar 'netwerk' en was erg onder de indruk van de reportage over deze
website. Woorden schieten eigenlijk te kort om te beschrijven hoe geweldig goed dit
project is. Belangrijk is het zeker. Met recht een historisch monument! Bedankt.
Vriendelijke groeten,
onder de indruk....!!! Ik zal vast niet de eerste zijn
maar ik ben zeer onder de indruk van jullie prestatie, ik ben zelf het afgelopen jaar
(2003) naar Bosnie geweest en ben daar verantwoordelijk geweest voor een Engels, Canadese
transporteenheid, en gezien het feit ik ook Arnhemmer ben heb ik daar veel over gesproken.
de Engelse Kameraden zullen zeer verheugd zijn met deze site. Zoals jullie weten weet de
gemiddelde engelsman niet waar Amsterdam precies in Nederland ligt, maar als je Arnhem
noemt dan vallen automatisch namen als John Frost. nogmaals Chapeau!!!
Erick Lentjes
Fantastisch initiatief ben zeer geinteresseerd
Geinteresseerd in opzet w.site, welke persoonlijke gegevens van de slachtoffers zullen
worden vermeld?
mw F.Hazewinkel
Een klasse reportage. Absoluut respect heb ik voor beide heren die een groot deel van hun
leven met een enorm enthousiasme research hebben gedaan en nu, na al die jaren, nog steeds
de daadkracht hebben om hun research om te zetten in een "document" waar
nabestaanden en geïnteresseerden veel waarde aan zullen hechten. Topklasse. Een prachtig
intiatief, waarbij het respect voor allen die aan deze slag deelnamen, alleen maar zal
Danny Wennekes
Fantastisch initiatief, ter herinnering, maar ook voor de betrokken families als troost en
P.J. van Vilsteren
Een fantastisch idee om alles de digitaliseren over de slachtoffers en gebeurtenissen.
Toch heb ik een vraag over de inhoud: betreffen het alle slachtoffers waar het publiek nu
gegevens over kunnen opvragen inclusief de duitse slachtoffers waarvan ik toch ook vele
grafstenen heb zien staan op diverse oorlogsgraven. Ik ben heel erg benieuwd, omdat ik
ergens ook een grafsteen heb gezien met de naam flohr van een duitse soldaat. gaarne zie
ik uw antwoord tegemoet. Nogmaals gefeliciteerd met uw initiatief, en verder succes met de
verdere opbouw van uw website. Groet,
Om diverse redenen een geweldig initiatief! Suc6!
Michel Oudt
Fantastisch! Hartverwarmend! Wordt met recht "een monument van een site"!
Als 13-jarige jongen (nu 72)de "slag"op de Heyenoordseweg meegemaakt. Nog altijd
diep in mijn geheugen gegrift en daarom mijn enorme bewondering en dank voor al het werk
wat jullie gedaan hebben! Het mag niet zomaar vergeten worden !!! Nogmaals dank en ik zal
een trouwe bezoeker van jullie website worden !!
Wim de Graaff
Van harte gefeliciteerd met Uw prachtig werk! Heel veel succes en dank! Dat een
dertienjarige al zo'n groot aandeel in het geheel, is voor héél véél
"hangjongeren" een groot VOORBEELD!! Nogmaals heel veel SUCCES!!
Philip Fredrik
Ik heb de uitzending gezien en ik vind het een zeer goed
initiatief. Heb zelf veel interesse in de slag om Arnhem en zal zeker uw website nog vele
malen bezoeken.
Diny Veld
Een hele mooie prestatie. Ik heb vanavond naar aanleiding van een vriendje naar netwerk
gekeken. Ik bewonder het zeer hoe u aan al die informatie bent gekomen. Als u tijd heeft
zou u dat kunnen verteleln hoe u daar allemaal aan komt??? Ik wens u heel veel succes met
de site, waar ik erg naar uitkijk om te zien.
Tim oldeman
Geweldig wat jullie doen!
Digitaal Monument. Geweldig initiatief !
Maurice Koenis
Jullie hebben een prachtig monument opgericht voor hen die voor ons vielen. Hulde, want
dit zegt meer dan een bewerkt stuk steen.Afz: Iemand van het slagveld bij Overloon.
Frans Engels
Heb de erebegraafplaats diverse malen bezocht. wat een fantastisch initatief!
Edo J. Beekman
Hallo, ik vind het echt goed dat jullie zo'n site maken. ik heb zelf veel dingen over wo2
en ik spaar ze ook. In museum hartenstein in oosterbeek is ook nog veel informatie te
14 February 2004
Menno Karens
Ik wil jullie allen een gigantisch compliment geven voor deze website over hetgeen er is
gebeurd op en rond Arnhem. Ook wij van de " Royal Winnipeg Rifles " een muziek-
groep waar ik lid van ben steunen dit soort doelen ook voorwat deze mensen voor ons gedaan
hebben 60 jaar geleden. Ook wij kunnen zeggen van " We will remember them " and
" their names liveth for evermore ". Dit is wat ik zeggen kan namens ons
Regiment. Dank jullie wel vrienden !!!
14 February 2004
M. Temmen
Bedankt voor de vele nuttige informatie en veel werk wat jullie hebben gedaan, ik hoop dat
er nu meer mensen zijn die zien dat onze vrijheid door vele onbekenden duur betaald is.
Ook hoop ik dat niemand de offers van deze mensen vergeet
15 February 2004
Johan Wezenberg
Dit is nu al een monument.
15 February 2004
An impressive private initiative for remembrance of a brave mission-almost-impossible of
British and Poles to liberate the Netherlands from the nazi's, payed with thousands of
their young lifes. We shall never forget, but - after 60 years - please forgive the
Germans and let them be present in the september ceremony, for building new bridges for
the future of our children in Europe.
15 February 2004
15 February 2004
P.P.G van Melick
16 February 2004
C. Gordeijns
Een geweldig initiatief om 60 jaar na onze bevrijding diegenen te herdenken die hun leven
gaven voor onze vrijheid. We moeten blijven herdenken en jullie page levert hiertoe een
geweldige bijdrage. Namens de Para-Commandovereniging Z.O. Brabant wensen wij jullie veel
succes. Op onze site hebben wij een link gelegd naar jullie page.
16 February 2004
Coen Hielkema
An impressive site: very interesting and a high degree of information. Many sounds and
pictures: they give a very good view of what happened in Arnhem. Compliments to the
17 February 2004
Cyd Gilman
United States
Thank you for all of your efforts! I am amazed that I am able to sit at my computer in
Wichita, Kansas, in the United States, and watch videos and read material about the
bravery that occurred during the fighting of Operation Market Garden. Your work is greatly
appreciated. Cyd Gilman
17 February 2004
Kevin M. Pearson
United States
I went up Hell's Highway from Eindoven to Arnhem in 1999, touring all of the battlefields
with two men who had been with the Dutch Resistance. This is an excellent site and I very
much enjoyed all the pictures that I have not seen in any books. Excellent photos of the
Arnhem Bridge! Thank you for such a helpful website!
19 February 2004
Het doet mij een genoegen om mijn blijk van waardering uit te spreken dat jullie met deze
site de historie van 40-45 willen behouden en het opsporen van de juiste informatie van de
gesneuvelde soldaten voor de nabestaanden.
20 February 2004
Chris Sheath
New Zealand
Thankyou for this great site. As a child I used to listen to stories from my Dad about his
time as a medic at Arnhem. He has long left us and only now I'm trying to follow his
footsteps and teach my children of what he went through. This site is a great starting
20 February 2004
Ik spreek mijn dank uit aan allen die deze website Market Garden mogelijk hebben gemaakt!
Groeten Ria
21 February 2004
Dear Mr.Hoekstra, during lunch i heard over the radio the news of this fantastic website I
had to wait till now to have a first glimpse and I am very impressed. I remember standin
in our small garden in Oegsgeest near Leiden at the age of 14 when the gigantic number of
aircraft passed. I was very curious to read about those having been awarded the VC. And -
forgive me- but I notice a really serious error in the text. The VC as such is described
and it says: quote" this very rear" this should be "this very rare".
You notice this error immediately and that is why I advice you because it is a really
wonderful informative site which deserves all our attention. Hopefully you are not upset
by my remartk which I only make to improve the site and its information. With my very best
regards and congratulations.
21 February 2004
Leo Scholte
This site is very impressive. Forever the Dutch people will be thankfull. This site is a
good way to show to our childeren the big price the allies paid to free us from terror.
21 February 2004
Gerda Buis
Hoorde op de radio van deze site, prachtig !!complimenten!!
22 February 2004
Pete Valen
This is a good account of what happened i should know as i was there.
22 February 2004
SLAG OM ARNHEM I will remember them THANKS
22 February 2004
Loek van der Sande
I am a suvivor of the battle and am interested to revisit marketgarden
23 February 2004
Pier Sjoerd Visser
Nog nooit heb ik zo een gedetailleerde site gezien en de homepage is werkelijk gelijk
PAKKEND. Probeer mijzelf en mijn kinderen de gruwelen van de tweede wereld oorlog en de
hulp van voor ons onbekende mensen levend te houden. Is in alle tijden hard nodig, de
geschiedenis leert ons ( helaas ) dat we van veel fouten niks leren. Opdat wij niet
vergeten! Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat jullie als makers veel familieleden van gesneuvelden
een groot plezier doen, namelijk : De eer toekennen aan al die onbekenden die hun leven
hebben gegeven voor ONZE vrede.
23 February 2004
Hele mooie en leerzame site. Er is heel veel werk verricht dat is wel te merken ook dus
daarom ga ik genieten van een stukje vaderlandsche geschiedenis. Bedankt, Vriendelijke
groeten, Ton
23 February 2004
Een pracht site,compliment en nu eerdaags gegevens van gevallen jonge mensen te zien zijn,
zal het nog meer indruk maken. Ik heb zelf de slag om Arnhem zeer bewust mee gemaakt, ik
heb met eigen ogen de mannen zien springen, wij keken vanaf het hoogste punt in Arnhem op
de geitenkamp, ook enkele Dakota?s laag over ons heen zien komen, en enkele dagen erna was
ik getuige dat er vrachtwagens met para?s door de Duitsers werden afgevoerd over de
schelmse weg, richting Roosendaal. Dat was ook de eerste keer dat wij het V teken zagen,
deze mannen zwaaide naar ons en maakte dat teken. Ik ben in het bezit van een originele
baret die toen gedragen is, en ben daar zeer trots op. Ik zal nog regelmatig op uw mooie
site te vinden zijn. Bedankt!
24 February 2004
Hele mooie website zeg en dat gemaakt door stadsgenoten ;-) heel goed van jullie , ik denk
dat er een boel mensen hierdoor een plekje kunnen geven in hun hart en dingen af kunnen
sluiten heel erg mooi!! mijn complimentjes, Ayla uit Arnhem
24 February 2004
Ongelooflijk ! Dit is echt een museum On Line! Hopelijk blijft deze site nog lang bestaan.
24 February 2004
Dick Kuiten
Heb vorig jaar lekker meegesprongen, ik was zeer onder de indruk. Ik doe dit jaar mee met
de viering in het voetbalstadion en hopelijk spring ik weer mee op de Ginkelse Heide. Ik
zat dit jaar in de stick, waarvan enige mensen in de bomen waren geland..niet zo netjes.
25 February 2004
Zeer goed werk verricht. Het ontroerd me gewoon. Keep on going! Dave.
29 February 2004
R. Veelenturf
Het is een fantatische site zo kunnen we alles nog eens goed nalezen over hoe
verschrikkelijk de oorlog was.
02 March 2004
Good site. Currently there is a lot of attention paid to commemoration of WWII on the
history-site of the BBC (www.bbc.co.uk/history). I'd recommend you get this site listed
03 March 2004
United Kingdom
Winged Chariot's
Arnhem 17th September 1944
In their thousand's they came.
Brave of heart.
Bearing youthful faces;
set in determination.
As messengers of freedom.
To those who had waited
so long.
The fell to earth.
Comrades in arms,
to free the enslaved.
To return the chalice of peace.
Never to be forgotton.
A bridge too far -but not in vain.
05 March 2004
Jan Kerkhof
Eind februari heb ik uw site ontdekt na een uitzending van netwerk op TV. Ga zo door,er
komen steeds weer herinneringen aan die tijd boven. Ik was op 17 september 1944 11 jaar
oud. Op die dag heb ik in mijn geboorteplaats een toestel brandend neer zien
storten,volgens de plaatselijke krant destijds een Marauder met als piloot Lt Herbert E
Shulman een ander bemanningslid was Lt Omar Kampfsmid beiden werden op die dag tijdelijk
op het kerkhof van mijn geboorteplaats begraven.
06 March 2004
Peter Degens
Zeer mooie site, in nagedachtenis van hen die voor onze vrijheid hebben gevochten. In dit
jaar van de 6oe herdenking, kunnen wij alleen hopen dat deze waanzin nooi meer zal
07 March 2004
David Parker
United Kingdom
Thank you, thank you indeed - but you will no doubt stand accused by some of glorifying
war - in fact you are glorifying their freedom to make that criticism.
09 March 2004
Shirley Hall-Roberts
United Kingdom
My father was Sargeant (Later RSM) Norman Stewart Gentles who served in the lst Airlanding
Anti-Tank Battery RA. He was mentioned in despatches as having saved an officers life.
09 March 2004
Tina Klein
I was tina huisman van de Bakkerstraat in Oosterbeek ik was 10jaar oud toen de oorlog
begon myn vader had een zuivel zaak wy hebben 10dagen in de kelder gezeten en zyn toen
naar driebergen gestuurd tot na de oorlog .myn vader zorge altyd voor mannen die snachts
op het kerkhof zaten hy zy kwamen eerst een beetje rum drinking. ik kan veel mmer schryven
maar daar is niet genoeg ruimte.
10 March 2004
Robert van Voorden
NetherlandsThank you all so much!!!!
10 March 2004
Gerrit Van Der Kolk
Although i am now an Australian,i was born in Oosterbeek june 1945.and lived there with my
parents till i was 13.My father has told me many stories from the war years and how all of
Oosterbeek was "levelled" to the ground.I managed to get some pictures from the
museum in Oosterbeek when i was lucky enough to revisit a couple of years ago.It makes you
wonder does,nt it, we still have not learned anything since those days.There is still war
all around.It makes me feel so sad for all those peoples that have died for the
"cause??"I will certainly let my friends and relatives know about your web site,
so that they can either remember or LEARN as the case may be.
11 March 2004
Dale Armstrong
Hello fellow Jumpers, I would like to request from the website host to put a section on
the website for all members of the Parachute Regiment that jumped into Arhnem. My
Grandfather was with The Parachute Regiment (1st Battalion) and jumped into Arhnem and
survived. Death from above... Dale Armstrong
11 March 2004
United Kingdom
Good work on the site. I found out about it in the liner notes of a soundtrack
(http://michaelgiacchino.com/mohfl.html). It is very informative and makes me respect
those brave people who fought for the liberation of Europe even more.
13 March 2004
Martien G de Koster
South Africa
Very interesting.Bringing back memories of 1940-1945.
14 March 2004
Jack van der Laan
Dear Mr. Hoekstra, congratulations with the work you and your partners put in producing
this excellent website. I was born in Harkema, The Netherlands and now live in Burlington,
On. Canada. The Canadian soldiers played an important role in liberating The Netherlands.
On Saturday, May 8th we will celebrate the May 5th Canada Netherlands Friendship Day here
in our city. (May 5th has been declared the Canada Netherlands Friendship Day by way of an
official proclamation) The WW II Lancaster will do a fly pass at 12 noon on May 8th during
the flag raising ceremony . Celebrations continue on at night at La Salle Park Pavilion
with the Dutch Canada Koor. THANK YOU Mr. Hoekstra and Mr. Ammerlaan for giving back
by way of this excellent contribution - ThANK YOU to all the veterans and THANK YOU CANADA
- WE WILL REMEMBER THEM ALWAYS. Regards, Jack van der Laan , Founder and chair
person, The Canada Netherlands Friendship Association.
15 March 2004
Jasper van Naarden
Hello, I've hat very much help from this site for my history WO2. The only thing that i
miss is the complete development of the battle of Arnhem. Many thanks ever1 for saving
Holland dear Soldiers.
19 March 2004
Daniel Maske
United States
Thank you, and God bless everyone involved in this heroic battle, and, even though we
lost, we are forever thankful and in your debt. Thank you.
20 March 2004
Franklin Lubberts
Een te gekke website. Als Arnhemmer een echte aanvulling op de geschiedenis van mijn stad.
23 March 2004
René Hoebeke
Vandaag keek ik voor het eerst op jullie website omdat ik via via hoorde over een lijst
met gesneuvelde soldaten en foto´s over operatie Market Garden. Uit nieuwsgierigheid heb
ik de site bekeken. Ik ben totaal verrast door de vele verhalen, foto´s, lay-out en ga zo
maar door. Het lijkt erop dat er niets ontbreekt. Een hele mooie website met een oceaan
aan gegevens. Wat mij betreft krijgt website een dikke 10!
19 September 2004
Chris Urmston
When i was younger and lived in england,i heard wartime storys from my grandparents,now i
live in holland,i see the places,of which they talked about,and still now it amazes me to
learn how much was sufferd in arnhem,and surounding places,thank you for being so brave
and enduring all of this sadness for us,that we can talk so openly about,again thank you
25 March 2004
Ik ben bija 83 en kan wel zeggen dat ik de 2e WO lijfelijk heb meegemaakt.Ben veel op
internet en gelukkig met uw web site.Heb vanuit Rotterdam toen alles zien overvliegen.Was
overweldigend. Die indrukken raak je nooit meer kwijt. Evenmin de nagedachtenis aan al die
26 March 2004
27 March 2004
John Van Loon
A great contribution for those galant men who fought and died in the strugle for freedom
at Arnhem.
31 March 2004
E.J.Peters{Johnny} 1/Border Arnhem 44
United Kingdom
I was there, and escaping across the river was one of the the bad experiences of the
battle, of course there were many other bad experiences, of which I could relate
02 April 2004
M.J. Voeten
Een prachtig stuk werk.
03 April 2004
alice (v.straten)-visser
Hoe zouden wij, Oosterbeekse kinderen van 1944, het ooit kunnen vergeten wat toen
gebeurde. En toch raak je niet uitgekeken op jullie geweldig waardevolle site! Heel
hartelijk dank voor dit prachtige initiatief.Bovendien zo waardevol om er samen met
kinderen en kleinkinderen naar te kijken. Corrie, Dicky, Koos Truusje en Alice Visser.
08 April 2004
Ian Myson
United Kingdom
Wonderful and informative site dedicated to the brave men who fought and died in the
arnhem area
09 April 2004
Mark Vander Bauwede
Great site, keep up the good work as we may never forget these soldiers. Thanks
12 April 2004
Vincent Dufour
Ik ben een jonge geinteresseerde persoon , die meer wil weten over de wo2 (ww2) en daarom
bezoek ik deze site. Deze site is een van de beste site over wo2 (ww2) en ik zou graag
meer willen weten . DUS goed werk en blijf zo door gaan!
12 April 2004
Niek Hendrix
A tribute for those who died for our freedom. Best Regards, Niek Hendrix
15 April 2004
Ik ben geboren en getogen in Velp (1925). The Battle of Arnhem heb ik op een afstand
meegemaakt. Deze Website is de meest accurate verslag die ik ooit gelezen of gezien heb.
Gefeliciteerd. Ray Koot Aldergrove BC.
21 April 2004
Lambert Denessen
I am an inhabitant of Arnhem and also an employe of the Gemeente Arnhem(community). My
work is traffic-enginering and design at the office of Dienst Stadsontwikkeling Arnhem.The
past years I had the task to do the trafficcontrole within the (mayor)maintenanceproject
of the John Frostbridge. I hope that the memorial in september this year will be a
fulfilled event.
16 April 2004
Boukje Koning
Hallo, ik vindt dat jullie er een geweldige site van hebben gemaakt heel indrukwekkend
interessant en toch ook wel ontroerend. ga zo door.
19 April 2004
Gary M. Farral SSG Ret
United States
Thank for preserving this history.
16 April 2004
E. Sadler
United States
This is a wonderful site. I hope none of us ever forgets.
22 April 2004
Paul Raby
United States
Great website and a worthy slice of preserved history. I visited the battlefield several
times during my career in the British Army. My father was in 30 Corps during Operation
Market Garden.
24 April 2004
Terry Karselis
United States
An excellent site and one that deserves commendation as do the heroes who died at
"the bridge too far".
24 April 2004
John Rhind
United Kingdom
Excellent website. Glad to see so much interest being taken in the sacrifice paid by so
many brave men
25 April 2004
Peter van der Spek
Geweldig mooie site, ik woon zelf ook in Arnhem en ben zeer geintreseerd in Market-
Garden. Deze site geeft mooie info over het verloop van MG. Heerlijk om er doorheen te
bladeren, fantastisch werk! Dikke complimenten! Peter
25 April 2004
Comdt P J Mc Cartan
Fantastic site - was recent visitor to Arnhem battle fields - very humbling experience,
Kind regards, PJ
25 April 2004
Je hebt gelijk, ik denk met grote deernis aan diégenen die lichamelijk gaaf maar
geesteijk aangeslagen verder moe(s)ten. Bepaalde gebeurtenissen zijn op het netvlies
gebrand en vergallen heel veel. Ik wens je succes met deze site, je zoektocht, ik zal nog
geregeld een "kijkje" nemen. Bedankt voor al het werk dat je tot nu toe hebt
verricht!! gegroet, dc3
26 April 2004
Dennis J Weatherall
No one can imagine the sacrifice men give in defending freedom.
26 April 2004
Alison Miller
I am a fifth grade teacher in an international school in Belgium. We are preparing a study
unit which culminates in a week long visit to Arnhem this coming May. All information like
yours is very helpful to us and gives our youngsters an increased respect for the past and
for the liberties they presently enjoy.
28 April 2004
Graham Frost
United Kingdom
I am the son of Gunner Sgt Ernie Frost 11421871 Royal Artillery. He is now 82 years old
and virtually housebound.
29 April 2004
super mooi site met veel informatie
30 April 2004
Ivo Brncic
A fantastic site. I have just finished reading the book A bridge too far by Cornelius
Ryan. Responsibility for the tragedy (more than 10 000 dead allied soldiers) should
probably be better exposed.
30 April 2004
C Harding
United Kingdom
Aircraft for this operation departed from the airfields all around where I live. Just two
stations launched 142 Daks to join the rest of the force. The men that left Lincolnshire
and the UK for this op must not be forgotten. I will remember them as I am no better than
any of them. Bless their hearts.
01 May 2004
Barry McCloskey
Excellent site. Am looking forward to going through each page.
02 May 2004
J. Harmanni
Bijna 4 mei de dag dat we de oorlogslachtoffers herdenken. Gestorven voor onze vrijheid.
Dan zie ik deze site en weet men niet waar, wanneer of hoe iemand is gestorven
(gesneuveld). Gelukkig halen jullie die mensen uit de annonimiteit en geven hun het
respect dat ze verdienen. Graveside unknown geeft je kippevel gestorven voor onze vrijheid
verdient meer dan dat en daar dragen jullie je steentje aan bij. Nu ik gezichten zie bij
de slachtoffers van onze vrijheid hang ik met nog meer respect de vlag uit op half stok
hier in Leeuwarden. En zullen mijn zoons Gerrit-Jan en Timon (bijna 6 en 3) dit jaar zeker
mee gaan.
28 April 2004
Lynne Walker Redman
Great site, my father was a navigator on a Stirling involved with the Market Garden op.He
died in 1982 and is much missed by me and my mother Joan Walker. The plane was shot down
over Holland 190 Sqad. He walked home with the help of the Dutch people. Thank you for
great work you have done
28 April 2004
Jeroen Koopman
United States
Thank you very much for setting up this wonderful web site....Jeroen
02 May 2004
In remembrance of the who gave their live and their youth for our freedom.
02 May 2004
Its an very interresting website. Robin
02 May 2004
Joseph H. Ducrot
I was a member of the Knokploeg Nijmegen.And we fought together with the 82 Airbornes
against the Germans. Our commander was captain Bestebreurtje of the special forces he was
landed in Groesbeek with the glider of general Gavin.
04 May 2004
W. Bourke
An excellent site. It is good to know that despite the suffering of the civilian
population, many still remember and honour the airborne warriors and understand what they
attempted to do.
04 May 2004
Very interesting site. I found many interesting articles and photos here.
05 May 2004
Briggs, Kenneth,A
CanadaI have not look at all of this web site but it is well done congr good job
05 May 2004
Brigitte Vink
Indrukwekkend!! 5 mei, bevrijdingsdag, goed om stil te staan bij wat er allemaal gebeurd
is. Opa dit is voor jou, ik mis je en ik wou dat je er nog was om samen te praten over die
07 May 2004
Lee Dellar
United Kingdom
Lest we forget.
10 May 2004
Patrick Villiers
United Kingdom
I would like to express my gratitude for compiling this excellent site in memory of all
those who sacrificed their lives during the great battle to free Europe.
11 May 2004
John H A Gavin MBE
United Kingdom
As a postwar member of Airborne Forces I was shown the Arnhem film, Theirs is the Glory
during our Parachute Training Course at Abingdon. It was impressive, moving and inspiring.
13 May 2004
David R. Olive
My Great Uncle the youngest in my Grandmother,s family died while trying to rescue the
British and Polish Paratroopers from Arnhem. He was only 22 . Thanks to Dutch family Van
Bekkum for looking after his grave for 60 years.They contacted us so we could place his
picture on website.Thanks.--Dave Olive Fredericton Junction, N.B. Canada
13 May 2004
Dave Olive
Excellent site to remember Harold Magnusson from Canada.Only one of thousands who died in
17 May 2004
Simon Neely
learnt about omg playing a game (close combat:a bridge too far) then started reasherching
in my own time then found this site. congrats on a great site!
17 May 2004
Johan van Doornen
Beste mensen, Met veel bewondering en respect heb ik naar de uitzending van netwerk
gekeken afgelopen donderdag ! Wat een geweldig initiatief ! Ik herken het gevoel omdat ik
als kind ook veel op de war cementry in Oosterbeek kwam. Mijn welgemeende complimenten !!
Jullie kunnen oprecht trots zijn op jullie zelf !! Dit is en voelt goed !! Succes !
17 May 2004
Wim de Vries
beste mensen, Via een uitzending op de t.v. heb ik gehoord over jullie website
marketgarden. Ik ben in 1951 geboren dus na de oorlog, maar heb wel belangsteling voor
alles wat er gebeurd is. ook heb ik veel verhalen gehoord van mijn ouders die tijdens de
oorlog en met de bevrijding in brabant woonden. Dank zij jullie komt de oorlog weer tot
leven op een fantastsiche manier, hoewel het natuurlijk een ongeloofelijk trieste
geschiedenis is. Ook al de soldaten die hun leven hebben gegeven voor onze vrijheid, komen
weer in beeld. op een fantastische en tevens toch discrete manier. Daarom wil ik jullie
bedanken voor jullie geweldig indrukwekkend werk dat julie geleverd hebben. vriendelijke
groeten Wim de vries, Helmond
18 May 2004
Ms. J. Hancock
Great website! My compliments. My father served in the 2nd WW.
18 May 2004
Gabriele Zanco
great job guys.
19 May 2004
Peter Allen
United Kingdom
I was born in 1950 into a better world. I offer my humble and heartfelt thanks to you all
for the sacrifice and effort to make this world a place were I could lead a life worth
living. Thank you.
11 May 2004
Marten Kalkwiek
Prachtige site ,zelf heb ik het een paar keer bezocht het Ereveld en de rust die er heerst
indrukwekkend. Laten wij nooit vergeten wat zij allen hebben gedaan. M.Kalkwiek Groningen.
19 May 2004
Mike Burrows
United Kingdom
An excellent memorial to all those brave men that gave their lives for freedom and to
those who survived to tell the tale, Theirs is The Glory. Mike Burrows Former Paratrooper,
5 Airborne Brigade
20 May 2004
Mario Silva Santisteban Arevalo
Es una pagina bastante interesante y bien hecha,séque su archivo fotográfico es bastante
más amplio de lo que muestran hasta ahora los felicito por hacernos llegar una versión
más detallada de la citada operación y tambien por mostrarnos todo el heroísmo y valor
de los soldados,tanto aliados como alemanes que participaron no solamente en esta acción
sino durante toda la guerra defendiendo a su país respectivo tengan o no la razon de su
20 May 2004
Bonifatius Jongenelen
United States
My thanks to all of you. Because of your sacrifice our family has been able to live in
21 May 2004
Janice Griffith
United States
My cousin, T/Sgt Charles Ruble, died at the "Drop Zone" and was buried as an
"unknown". Some of our family visited this area a few years ago. I have been
putting our family history together and have an interesting story, complete with letters
of the investigation done by my uncle, a Judge Advicate General. I was very moved vy the
pictures of the area and would love to use them in my story. I believe they have
identified Charles Rkuble through DNA and he is no longer an unknown. The family will love
seeing you web site. Thank you, Janice Griffith
22 May 2004
Anthony Lake
United Kingdom
My grandfather was at Arnhem - Corporal Burnham Blaxley RASC 250 (Airborne) Light
Composite - captured at Oosterbeek. Planning a trip to Arnhem in September, unfortunately
my grandfather will be unable to go; however, appreciate any correspondance.
22 May 2004
Henk de Boer
Last week had old friends over from UK (one is Polish and his father fought during W II).
Since I recently moved to the area, I took them on a trip from Driel, Mook, Nijmegen,
Arnhem and Oosterbeek. All most impressive and gives you an idea what all courageous men
and women did there. Obviously they have my deepest respect.
23 May 2004
This is an important Monument for all times. I hope so much people will learn from
it for their future.
27 May 2004
Francisco Javier Picón Sebastián
I think that ending the war in 1944 would have saved at least 1 millon European people.
The sacrifice of the allied paras was not in vain.
28 May 2004
W.E.Van Horn
United States
Your account is very accurate. as a member of the 441st troop carrier command.I remember
some parts well.
03 June 2004
Cpl mac McGrath Light Infantry
Exellent site, loads of infomation, from this I did alot of background work prior to going
on a vist myself with an old mate of mine. nice one.
02 June 2004
Vincent Dufour
Je hebt een mooie site gemaakt . Zeer interessant en een leerrijke site. Vincent Dufour
03 June 2004
Iain Charnely
United Kingdom
I found your site whilst carrying out background research into a trip we are planning for
the 60th Anniversary. Great site, keep up the good work.
30 May 2004
United Kingdom
I found your site very interesting and informative. My uncle ( Desmond Davies)was a
medical orderly attached to B company of the second battalion and can always remember,
even as a young child being told of how is best friend ( Benjamin Bliss ), also a medical
orderly, was killed at Arnhem. Thanks to your site I have been able to find details of his
grave and even a picture of him. I will now be visiting his grave in early September. If
anyone has any further information about Benjamin Bliss or my Uncle I would be very
pleased to see it.
30 May 2004
Lambertus Pulles
Enjoy your website tremendously I have missed seeing it, glad its back Bert Pulles
01 June 2004
Richard Sonderegger
United States
thank you all for your sacrifice and bravery.
01 June 2004
Elaine Heading
United Kingdom
What a wonderful site. I am trying to find information on Julius Wisebad. He was killed 18
September 1944 and has no known grave. He was in the AAC Glider Pilot regiment of the 1st
Airborne Division and I belive also may have taken part in the D Day Landings in Normandy.
Any information will be very much appreciated
03 June 2004
monica angold
United Kingdom
My father was in Belgium and Holland in 1944, he stayed for some time in a place called
Erp in the house of a school teacher, who gave him the banner of the local brass band to
take care of. I am returning it on July 3rd. His name was George Higham he was a flight
sergeant in the R.A.F.
04 June 2004
Miklos Baktay
Congratulations, and of course thank you for this site. I think it is the best example for
what we should use new technologies. I think this is a true, living memorial of
those people who lived through, or died those days. Thank You.
05 June 2004
hank you all for the great and splendid efforts to make this site and post such important
information which sheds light on this psrt of history.I was happy to see this site as I
was looking for details about airborn ops in wwII.thank You all agagin ..... god bless you
05 June 2004
John H. Beach
United States
I am looking for folks that knew Arie "Harry" Dirk Bestebreurtje. He worked
behind the enemy lines in the Netherlands during WWII and was assigned to the 82nd
Airborne Div. This person later became a minister and was part of our church in Yonkers,
NY while he lived in Pelham, NY. I knew him well and recorded many of his war experiences
and sermons. I would like to exchange stories about this wonderful person. Kind regards,
John H. Beach, Yonkers, NY USA, john_h_beach@compuserve.com
06 June 2004
Zbyszek Durczok
Great and interesting site. I am planning visit Arnhem this year and write an article
about polish soldiers. Kind regards
08 June 2004
Scott Furtak
United States
Great job with the website. My Uncle Walter Furtak was killed in Holland with another
soldier when they were removing a wounded comrade. Thank you for honoring the soldiers who
perished in this battle.
08 June 2004
Cor Goosens,OAM
Well done I had to get some figures and to tell story of battle of Arnhem to my veterans
of the Returned Soldiers league of Australia
09 June 2004
Herman Int Zandt
This story must be told repeatedly so our grandchildren will understand the sacrifices
made to liberate Europe and made it possible for thousands if immigrants to come to this
wonderfull country Canada.
10 June 2004
M. kossen
I was born in 1956, so i have never been in the war. WWII. However, I have learned a great
deal about it, from my grandparents, sites like this, and several Informational books,
monuments and films. I have the deepest respect for all the people that fought, and died,
specially in Operation Marketgarden, so we, (post war childeren) Can now live in peace. I
play a Wargame, (RTCW) and still play "fight" the good fight of Marketgarden,
wich is a map in the game, most every day. I thank everyone who worked on this
informational site, (great work) wich gave me a better knowlege of wat really happenend
there, and i tip my head to all those who fought and died at O-MG, so that we can live in
peace. Thanks again.
10 June 2004
J Veldman
The memories of Arnhem 1944 geven de slag om Arnhem een persoonlijk gezicht. J Veldman
12 June 2004
paul blume
Top site i enjoyed looking through the pages
13 June 2004
Price Clingenpeel
United States
I have not read the book yet, but if the movie was any indication of the true facts what a
story it truely must have been for the grandchildren. Bless all of those who died in valor
both to gun fire and poor planning.
13 June 2004
marion Hall
William Gibson, Killed Sept. 1944 father of my sister in Edinburgh SCOTLAND. He was killed
about 4 days before she turned 2. My mother told us lots of great things about the man we
only saw pictures of and died so young just like thousands of others who gave their lives
so we can live in harmony. But they do have to be rememberd God rest their souls and watch
over them.
11 June 2004
vikki lawton
United Kingdom
Excellent site,we need more!! I am the grand-daughter of GEORGE DAVID ALFRED LAWTON,and I
am looking for any information on him.He joined up on 19-12-1938 after lying about his
age(he was classed as too old at 24,can you believe that!)He served with the Royal
Artillery Field corps,(not sure where he was stationed though)He came from Burslem in
Staffordshire and served until 26-4-1946.He was injured in Venlo(w) in Holland,on
27-11-1944 he had his leg blown off.This is about the time that I am interested in because
we think he was something of a hero.(he would not talk about it),although any information
would be great.His army number was 888394 and when he was discharged he had the rank of
lieutenant sergeant,we think.His best friends during the war were Dixy,and Doxy(honest)we
think that Dixy was a nickname and that Doxy was either Fred or George and Doxy was his
real surname.Any information however small would be great. Can I just say thank-you from
the bottom of my heart to all the people like my grandad who sacrifised so much for us,
you are all true heroes.
13 June 2004
I personally have not been at war but I have watch a bridge to far many many times and I
take my hat off to the soldiers that survived and pray God watch over all those who died
for freedom, May they never be forgotten.
14 June 2004
Natasha Semmens
United Kingdom
My grandad was Corporal Hancock, fondly remembered as the corporal who offers MG Urquart a
cup of tea in A Bridge Too Far. Although I was close to him as I grew up, he never talked
to me about his experiences, so I am grateful for this small representation in the film.
He died about 13 years ago and (at his own request) his ashes were taken to Arnhem. I
wonder if anyone has any memories of him? In particular, does anyone know of a story in
which he returned to a building (?) under attack to retrieve the flag/colours? I remember
this story being told as a child, but would like to know more.
16 June 2004
Jackie Thompson
United Kingdom
My dad who died in 1976 was a british paratrooper dropped at Arnhem maybe someone has
memories of him Harold (Lal) Thompson.I have learned about this from family and know he
was captured after 8 days and became POW in Berlin.A photo of him is in used in lots of
books patroling through the debris with his red beret and rifle but I as only a teenager
when he died did not learn enough from him.
16 June 2004
Michael Wellman
United StatesI would like to thank all the brave paratroopers that sacrificed life and
limb to free the world of oppersion and evil of the Nazi war machine and liberating
18 June 2004
Vincent Gesmundo
Since i was a kid ive been fascinated about the facts and events that happened during
WWII. Ive done some research about the Philippines(were im from) during WWII during the
Japanese occupation. I am very eager to find out more bout the war in europe. ive watch
lots of movies regarding WWII in europe including "bridge to far" and "band
of brothers" and i want to find out more.Thanks
19 June 2004
Saheli Mukherjee Das
I was touched by watching the movie "A Bridge too Far" yesterday! Just had one
feeling... how can a human be so INHUMAN as to indulge into war. If any of you want
to share more news / photographs about WW II, please get in touch!WAR ... the 3 letter
monster! I have always been fascinated by the Second World War. So many lives lost, so
many dreams doomed... the meaningless blunder. My hats off to the brave soldiers who gave
us a better today! Any information i can gather about this event in history is priceless
to me. Looking for some feedback! saheli_md@rediffmail.com
22 June 2004
kevin masterman
United Kingdom
Great site I will be attending Arnhem in Sept with my family and I hope to find out what
happened to my Grandfather L/CPL Charles WADDILOVE A Coy 2bn Parachute Regiment who was
killed near the bridge on 19th Sept 1944
22 June 2004
Jeremy Cole
United States
Just wanted to let all of the veterans know that what you did those many years ago will
never be forgotten. I am 31 years old, born some thirty years after the war but keenly
aware of those that came before me and the sacrifices they made. The world could have been
a very different place if it were not for you all. My thanks.
20 June 2004
CPT M. Church
United States
I often think about those heroic Americans, who fought and defeated, the Axis powers of
WWII. Where did we get such men? They were truely heros... and websites like this one help
present generations realize the price that was paid for the liberation of Continental
23 June 2004
Karsten Krøner
Thank you very much for a fantastic and informative home page! I have previously visited
your site, but you have made it even better. Karsten Kroener
24 June 2004
Lisette Span
Ik vind het heel goed dat jullie ons aan de Slag om Arnhem helpen herinneren. Dat mag niet
vergeten worden!
25 June 2004
a.george [gardner ]
United Kingdom
26 June 2004
Phil Johnson
United States
My father, Paul Johnson, was in charge of the American communications team that landed by
glider on the first day. I am looking for information on the name, makeup, orders and
outcome of my fathers team.
27 June 2004
Bob Wallace
My father, Pte. Thomas Wallace 3506540, 1st Border Reg, was captured at Nijmegen. He
passed away about 12 years ago. I believe one of his close friends was Jim Longson, whos
book, An Arnhem Odssey, which I obtained shortly after. Bob Wallace
28 June 2004
Mika Laiho
Truly wonderful pages , all the Best in future :)
02 July 2004
Having been involved with the landing of the 82nd Airborne Division at Nijmegen on
September 1944, I am sending greetings to all my old comrades.
04 July 2004
paul hubbard
i have always been interested in reading about the history of WWII and specific facts and
accounts that are included in this site are excellent. reading some of the vetrans
personal memories shows how brave these young men were and what they had to go through.
04 July 2004
Graham Jervis
United Kingdom
My Uncle, Bill Foster fought at Arnhem,was captured and imprisoned until the end of the
war. I am jumping for my Dutch Army Para Wings this September, in his memory. Utrinque
06 July 2004
Whouw !!!!!!!!!!what a site,it is the best website I have seen.thank you for all this work
.regards Dan
06 July 2004
carolene king
United States
My Father J.P. (Jay) King ..served in this war.. how proud he has made me. i only wish i
new more..if anyone remembers him plz email me..he was from kentucky, and half Indian and
only about 19 or 20 i suppose..he now waits in heaven for his family...not only his flesh
and blood..but the brave men that he served with..
06 July 2004
Henri Prinsen
september 1944, Ik was 8 jaar vanuit onze straat kijkend in westelijke richting zagen we
duizenden parachutes in de lucht zweven.Zou er een eind komen aan de oorlog?!! Na zware
gevechten beschietingen,leven in kelder opeens in de avond rolden er tanks vanuit Arnhem
de brug over richting Nijmegen. Blijheid de Engelsen!! we werden bevrijd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even later zwaar teleurgesteld het bleken Duitse tanks te zijn,de tommys hadden de Slag om
Arnhem verloren
07 July 2004
Michael Page
United Kingdom
A very moving website. It was somewhat bizarre seeing details of my grandfather (also
Michael Page)who died at Arnhem. His gravestone looks immaculately attended to as it was
10 years ago when I visited for the 50th anniversary. I am intending to go back for the
60th anniversary this year and would be grateful if anyone has any details of what will be
happening, they would forward them to me
07 July 2004
Mike Running
United States
Great site, Our Grandfathers Deserve the Best
08 July 2004
Wim Guitres
Uw idee van eren spreekt mij erg aan en de door U opgezette stichting verdiend alle
respekt en steun. You ideer to remember is very good and deserves respect and support. Wim
Guitres Helmond
08 July 2004
Jim Norene
United States
Member of G Co., 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment. Wounded near the bridge at Best.
09 July 2004
Tim Sodd
United States
We are bringing our grandson to Arnhem next month to see the sight of the battle.
10 July 2004
Hans Zettby
This is a really good site. Informative for me now when I go to Nijmegen. I have been
there for 6 times before. This year I will just go there to look at this events whit my
son Rickard.Take care of your fiets. Look in my website http://home.tiscali.se/zettby
02 July 2004
christian djedje
I love this site and I hope you keep it up.
15 July 2004
William Watson, Capt. USAAF (Ret.)
United States
I flew the paratroopers and towed gliders to the Eindhoven area Sept.17 to 22, 1944. At
our altitude of 500 feet we could see all the people out waiving in the streets. 30 years
later as the Captain of an American Airline passenger plane I had a group of Dutch
business men up to the cockpit during a flight. The leader of the group told me that as a
child, on the first day of the attack, his father had put the family on the roof of their
home to cheer us on. We had a joyful reunion.
13 July 2004
Henri Weerepas
Your fight for freedom and liberty shall stay in our minds. Your names liveth for ever
more indeed. There are no words in my mind to express my thanks to you, our liberators.
17 July 2004
Angela Anderson
United Kingdom
Excellent site.
20 July 2004
Jeffrey J Cook
United States
I just finished reading "A Bridge To Far" by Cornelius Ryan and was doing some
further research on the internet when I came accross this great web site dedicated to
those who gave thier lives in defence of thier country and the people they loved. Their
courage will never be forgoten!!
19 July 2004
Bill Lacey
United Kingdom
George Henry Ellicock aged 21 died a hero in order to give others freedom and hope. His
sister Ida recently died (aged 83) in March 2004. There was not one day in her life when
she did not remember him. I trust they are at peace now.
21 July 2004
W. Konijnenberg
Als geboren Arnhemmer, elders verblijvend,was ik getroffen door deze site, die nog
dikwijls bezocht zal worden door mij, om de beleefde momenten weer scherp voor de geest te
halen. Applaus! Waar kan ik mijn kleine bijdrage kwijt?
23 July 2004
steven kelly
United States
This is an excellent sight.very moving. Thank you for displaying it
23 July 2004
Matthew Capper
United Kingdom
I really have enjoyed looking around this site. The text is very readable and filled with
just the right amount of text. My Grandfather was taken prisoner at Arnhem during
Marketgarden and remained a prisoner to the end of the war. This site is a great way to
find out more about the operation and all that went on. I particularly liked the personal
accounts, some of which were tremendously moving. I also liked the search engine for those
who died - one suggestion, how about a list of basic details of those who survived - just
as much heroes in my opinion.
23 July 2004
Adrie van der Niet
Geboren op 17-09-1957 te Ede.Ik heb wat met die datum. Als kind al gefascineerd door
Market-Gardenen alle verkrijbare boeken over de slag verslonden.Diverse
herdenkingsbijeenkomsten van dichtbij bijgewoond waaronder herbegrafenissen van
gesneuvelde militairen in Oosterbeek. Deze site blijft de herinnering met diep respect
voor de betrokkenen levend houden en heeft mij diep geraakt. Ontzettende bedankt. Dit is
een welkome aanvulling op reeds verschenen boeken.
25 July 2004
this is a great site
26 July 2004
Good job
26 July 2004Ian Lee-MaskeUnited KingdomMy Father C.S.M.
Joseph B Lee was at Arnham I would like to know does anybody have any knowledge of him as
my mother never believed he was killed in action even though we went to Osserbeck many
times and visited his grave. She would never speak of him so my knowledge of him is very
13 August 2004
Charl Lubbers
Goede duidelijke en mooie website, laat ik daar maar mee beginnen. Recent ben ik in het
bezit gekomen van een boek uit een erfenis die vooral de Poolse inbreng in de slag naar
voren brengt. Het is de autobiografie van Generaal Sosabowski met de titel: "Ik vocht
voor de vrijheid". (oorspr. Eng. titel: "Freely I served", 1960) Naar mijn
mening is dit een zeer goede aanvulling op alle bestaande boeken. Een goede leestip voor
iedereen die in deze slag geïnteresseerd is!
30 July 2004
saskia valk
hello, my name is saskia. i sie Airborn monument the sunhove the sun and Beugel. i Lake
the Airborn. Greats from the Netherlands ( sunhove and sun and Beugel )
31 July 2004
Great Monument for our heroes. We will never forget them.
01 August 2004
Colin David Fletcher
United Kingdom
With the greatest respect to all fallen comrades,yours was the ultimate price. I will
never forget your sacifice,nor will my children.May the lord walk forever with you.
10 August 2004
Willem Hems
Het is een heel mooie en leerzame website geworden.
10 August 2004
I love your site.
14 August 2004
Dale Hammer
United States
My Uncle, Jay W. North was with B Company, 327th Glider Infantry,101st Airborne. He fought
at Arnhem. He recieved The Order of the Orange Lanyard. He was very PROUD to have helped
liberate Holland. I still have the Lanyard, though he has been dead for many years. I am
proud of him.
16 August 2004
john ashcroft
United Kingdom
I visited the Oosterbeek cemetery in july 2004 and found it to be a very emotional
experience. It is a fitting memorial to the brave young men who gave their lives so that
we can live our lives in relative peacefulness. Your site is excellent and helps to keep
their memories alive. On a poignant note; i have a son who is the same age as some of the
younger men who are buried in the cemetery and i cannot envisage him being in the same
situation as those "boys" were, they surely were the bravest of the brave.
..........Absolute Deepest Respect and Heartfelt Thanks to Those Brave Brave
20 August 2004
e.r.ter Horst
Laatst ben ik me me twee zoontjes naar het museum in schaarsbergen geweest. We kregen een
mooie en intersant rondleiding. De gids vertelde over de rol van onze naamgenoot Kate ter
Horst..dat daar nog gealieerden in de tuin begraven moeten liggen..verder vertelde hij dat
ze vier jaar geleden door een dronken politie man is overreden. Is er misschien wat meer
bekent over de rol van Kate ter Horst? We hebben daarna de film een brug te ver gezien.en
verder heb ik ze het een en ander verteld over die bewuste slag ..en de kids
zeiden..oorlog is geen spelletje pap..nu weten we dat heel zeker. Verder de complimente
voor deze indrukwekkende site... E.r. ter Horst.
18 August 2004
richard mcskimmings
This is a wonderful site. I will never be able to visit Marketgarden in person . It was
nice to see the grave of Raymond McSkimmings .I have the same picture of Him . he was a
nephew of my Grandfather Charles Mcskimmings formily of Carlisle.
21 August 2004
Sidney Winchester
United States
82nd Abn. Div. 307th Engineers Company B 1956-1957
29 August 2004
I work on a oilplant in the atlantic ocean and go on the net in my spare time.This site is
the best I have seen so far about any topic of W.W.II. Thank you Andries Frans and Remco
for this wonderful piece of work.I hope one day to go to Arnhem and see the stones of the
ROLL OF HONUOR. Dank jullie wel Sven
24 August 2004
Ian Muirhead
United Kingdom
I am an ex airborne soldier from the uk, I and a group of my friends (mostly ex forces)
visit holland each year on a motorbike holiday and every year we visit the Arnham area for
the day on our way back to the ferry....this year we will be spending a couple of days in
the area visiting some of the monuments and cemeteries.....your site has provided some
valuable info thank you ....but more so thanks to the men and women who we come to
remember .......
25 August 2004
A very well put to gether memorial to those who led the way for future airborne forces,
their deeds and exploits must NEVER be forgotten.DAVE GRAHAM EX 2 PARA 65/74
26 August 2004
Karlijn Jans
Het is bijna 60 jaar geleden...Ik ben zelf 16 jaar en heb het niet meegemaakt. Maar iedere
keer als iemand begint te vertellen over WOII krijg ik kippenvel. Mijn opa vertelde me
vroeger als klein meisje al van zijn vele herinneringen en avonturen. Hij is helaas
overleden en mede daar om ben ik begonnen met interviews af te nemen aan familieleden en
bekenden die de oorlog hebben meegemaakt, om deze herinneringen niet te vergeten. Ik
hoorde van jullie site bij de uitzending van netwerk. Tot nu toe heb ik nog bijna iedere
dag op jullie site gekeken, kijken of er nieuws is of gewoon rondkijken. Ik raak niet
uitgekeken. Ik ben totaal verrast door de vele verhalen, foto´s, lay-out en ga zo maar
door. Deze mensen zijn gestorven voor onze vrijheid. Meestal worden de slachtoffers
genoemd in de massa. Gelukkig halen jullie die mensen uit de anonimiteit en geven hun het
respect dat ze verdienen. Het ontroerd me om de persoonlijke notities te lezen. Nu ik
gezichten zie bij de slachtoffers van onze vrijheid, motiveert dit mij nog meer om iets
moois van de interviews over de oorlog te maken en zo te zorgen dat dit herinnert blijft,
ook door onze generatie.
31 August 2004
Rob Gorseling
Theirs the glory, hail to our saviors for 60 years till now. Thanks from my whole family.
Rob Gorseling
06 September 2004
United Kingdom
I grew up with the story of my uncle, Andrew CHALMERS, a Scot born in Cowie,
Stirlingshire, who fought and died with the South Staffordshire Regiment. His sister, my
mother, carried his story to us. I visited Oosterbeck two years ago and was taken by the
maintenance of the cemetery. During my visit two local women and one man laid flowers on
the main stone....a wonderful touch. I feel very proud of being a relative of one of the
men who fought against such overwhelming odds.
07 September 2004
Greetings from Warsaw. Very nice sides. Best Regards
08 September 2004
United States
I am now 81 years old and will soon die from an incurable cancer M.M. I wanted to have my
ashes inturned in a mausuleum in Riverside National Cemetery California where I live. To
request this I had to refresh my memories of exact dates of Operation Market Garden and
found your interesting site on the internet. After having being underground near Groesbeek
from July 1943 until the 82nd landed there I was able to help the parachutists with
directions and maps and when they withdrew along the corridor in Nov. 11 1944 I went with
them to Eindhoven and further to Brussels where some Dutch office put me on a bare Dakota
and flew me to London where I was put on a ship in the London Harbor. I was one of the
first Dutch war volunteers tag# 4410099 and signed up until six months after the war would
be ended with Japan. Nov.14 1944 joined the Koninklijke Marine which was then
"U.S.Navy GROUP HOLLAND". Was tested for pilot training but ended up in
administration sent to SKEGNESS and landed in an American Camp with detachments of
Americans, Poles, Dutch, Belgian and other nationalities. Here I got Navy training from
Dutch Marines like rowing, marine behavior and history. From there I was sent to an other
American Camp on the Peninsula Roseneath in Scotland. Here I was attached to the Hollandse
Mariniers who had the task to enlist Dutch boys from the Southern liberated part of
Holland and became war volunteers. Medical students among them were put to work to
medically test the newcomers. Most of them were not in the best physical shape. After the
sudden capitulation of Japan a group of former university students requested early
discharge to be able to continue their studies. I went to the Wageningse Landbouw
Hogeschool. In 1957 The U.S. Congress approved a special refugee relief act for 17000
people. Because our house was bombed and my family and I had suffered to such an extent
that I became eligible for emigration to the U.S.A. 17th of April 1964 I became a United
States Citizen. I got another advanced degree at Michigan State University and was a
member of the University of California until I retired in 1989. This is a summary of my
life story. I would like to hear of the experiences of other Dutchmen who were with me in
Skegness. There are so many books written about Operation Market Garden but I have read
none of them. Why not? I would like to forget what I experienced. The mistaken bombing of
Nijmegen by allied aircraft where I helped in transporting and identifying bodies, the
front line in Groesbeek, the horror stories of my two brothers in the underground,the
experience of another brother student transport to Germany and his escape from there,the
Gestapo invading our home left an impression on me I rather forget. Why I write this now,
I really do not know. War is awful and senseless. May be people reading this will realize
that and work to prevent war at all cost.
08 September 2004
Lee Elworth Kent
United States
Thank you very much for this wonderful and informative site. I will have the fortune of
being in the Netherlands during the 60 Anniversay of OP Market Garden and I hope to have
an opportunity to listen to some of the people that were involved in the operation.
03 September 2004
United Kingdom
My name is Jane Tyrrell, My father JACK KIRBY fought at Arnhem, he was in the 11th
Battalion Paras 4th Brig; He is returning to Arnhem in September along with four
generations of our family, although unable to go myself I am sending my two grandsons, one
aged 3 the other 1 year old, both will never be allowed to forget the battle their
great-grandad fought in. Anyone who fought with the 11th bat; dad would love to meet
at Arnhem, he will be laying a wreath at Oosterbeek on Sunday 19th accumpanied by one of
his other great-grandsons
08 September 2004
United Kingdom
a wonderful tribute site to all our brave men who took part in op market garden, i am off
to arnhem next week for the 60th anniversary, this site has been extremly helpful to me.
thank you
09 September 2004
Van Covington
United States
This is an outstanding site.
10 September 2004
Jan Dielman
Die Zondag 17 sept zal ik nooit vergeten. Ik stond op de huistera berg in Heveadorp en kon
al de parachuuts zien als zij uit het vliegtuig kwamen. zoiets vergeet ik nooit. is er nog
iemand die dat ook heeft gezien op die plaats?
11 September 2004
peter dodd
United Kingdom
brillant site . am visiting next week - look forward to seeing the sce of the actions
which will live in history
11 September 2004
craig poppleton
As a former british paratrooper living in Arnhem,i fell in love with arnhem and the dutch
people on my first visit over 12 yrs ago now.Since that time i never missed paying my
respects every september,i also visit the graves once amonth with my dutch girlfriend.The
link with the paras and the dutch will never be broken.I am living proof every year people
like myself vist and simply fall in love with the place.ARNHEM has aspecial place in my
heart for more than 1 reason.A brilliant site in every respect well done. C U IN
SEPTEMBER,as the phrase goes....most paras ex paras and the veterans meet in the UNI BAR
every sept in Arnhem.
11 September 2004
Rafal Przezdziecki
I always itnerested about world war II specially:operation Overlord,Warsaw Rising,fights
in Monte Cassino and Market Garden.Polish 1SBS fight in Holland, but in same time in
Warsaw polish underground army fight for freedom with german occupant and this fighters
waiting for help they thougt that 1SBS helped him.Soldiers of that unit think same and
they want to fight in Warsaw but orders was difrent and they flight to Holland to fight
for yours and ours freedom.Their give all what they have.After war many of this soldiers
do not return to Poland because rulling communists dont want him.Is very sad but in years
1945-1989 poles politics and heads of state forgot about this soldiers who fought for free
World.In 1989 when communist fall in Poland people started to know true history.Politics
and others honoured they, at least.I salute for all soldiers who fought and died in world
war II.
11 September 2004
Mary behrendt
Of Dutch nationality , this is certainly the most amazing reports that I have ever read
about WW2... remembering what we went through...during those years.
11 September 2004
I lived in Arnhem at that time, my age was 24
11 September 2004
Wil van Dam
It may never happen again
11 September 2004
Marco Davids
For sure the best guestbook I have ever seen. Very touching. Good site, keep up the good
work! Greetings from Arnhem.
12 September 2004
John van den Dorpel
I am a hamradio operator who runs from 1994 till 2004 the special event station
"PA6BTF".BTF stands for "Bridge Too Far" This year will be the last
year that this station is running. We fire up this station evey year, to commemorate the
batlle of Arnhem.
12 September 2004
Dit is een goede ondersteuning van het geschiedenis onderwijs. Ga zo door. Hebben jullie
ook authentieke beelden?
13 September 2004
Ian Clifford
United Kingdom
Excellent site. I am the english son of a dutch mother who lived in Utrecht from 1918 till
1952 and their family name was GOUDRIAAN
14 September 2004
A truely excellent site! Keep up your efforts. I thank you very much.
14 September 2004
James Davidson
United Kingdom
God Bless all of them.
14 September 2004
Louis Ruijtenbeek
14 September 2004
Leny Gerretzen Vermolen
I was 15 and lived in Arnhem 17 sept 1944 with my parents 2 sisters and 1 brother. I
maried and have 4 children and 11 grand children. I feel strange I never good tell my own
family about the time we went trough.At this moment I can still cry when I think of it.I
think I go to Arnhem 17/9 and try to make an end in my head to that serious period in my
live.I am sure I am not the only one with that feelings. I hope I will succeed to leave it
out of my mind. My God bless the soldiers who are still alive.Thank you !!
15 September 2004
Brock Reumkens
These men were the bravest of the brave and we are all indebted to them.
15 September 2004
Arlette Ploegmakers-Talens
Thank you so much for all you have done for our freedom.
16 September 2004
Ik hoop van harte, dat de dappere Poolse strijders, aan wie wij veel te danken hebben,
alsnog in ere worden hersteld en waar mogelijk worden onderscheiden en beloond.
15 September 2004
Frank Baijens
This operation will enter in history as a monument of British recklessness and negligence.
This at the cost of the lives of the finest troops ever, the British and Polish
Paratroopers. "Their names lived for evermore" Shame on you Bernhard L.
15 September 2004
Hans-Walter Butschalowsky
Ive just finished reading all the comments on this Dutch web site about WW II
operation Market Garden,in which also my father unfortunately was involved the day I had
my firs anniversary, been ordered to throw the massive allied attack back to the other
side of the river Rhine again. He described the situation as a complete confusion: in
order to reunify his battery, it was for him necessary, so I was told, to pass several
British check points in a prisoners car and uniform. Armed paratroopers were hiding
in trees and houses. So it was not amusing to pass a wood or cross a road without being
sure, that there was no more resistance from any tree or any more snipers hiding near an
open window. Many soldiers were gathered badly wounded or taken prisoner as they slept
some where on the ground, exhausted or just run out of their ammunition. Been waked up by
calling their names each of them had to cross his hands behind the his neck - one of them
saw the last chance of defending himself by stabbing the enemy, my dad in this case, with
a knife he managed hiding on the shoulder under his uniform, though every one was told to
put down his arms. While the frustrated Poles lay on the left side of the water
shooting sending one grenade after the other as a friendly greeting across the
river. You could only shelter in a hole dug into the earth, my father said. When he had a
look around him the morning after such an attack near Wageningen all trees around his hole
were missing. I think there was no special heroic feeling in him left at that time,
but one must have noticed he could probably be an important adviser for his men, coming to
him frequently to ask for the next orders. If the Polish support had not failed because of
the bad weather conditions, I think, my dad and the young men in under his care would
never have returned from that last attempt to prevent British forces from getting first
into the heavy industrial Rhur area of former Germany to stop the war, I think, none of us
really wanted. After remembering all this and the time after 8 May 1945, since we had many
guest from Holland and England in our undestroyed home near Hamburg, from where pilots of
the Royal Air Forces brought urgently needed goods to Berlin, under them our good RAF-
friend Geoffrey Boston, during a year of Russian blockade, am I more than happy having got
familiar with my Dutch relatives from my lovely wifes side and to see our children
grow up without any arms. If only I could find the letter from Major Urquart he
wrote back to my father once, now I am thinking of it. The attitude you wrote into
the multilingual guest book, dear Mr or Mss Saheli Mukherjee Das, seemed to me being one
of the most peaceful ones in the long list of reports and comments from several continents
(including the UK of course). Thank you all for this - having read so far - en ook aan de
initiatoren van deze web site rond Dhr A. Hoekstra !
15 September 2004
Adolph J. Heideman
Brilliant site. Well done! My compliments.
15 September 2004
Namens mijn overleden vader stanislaw Ulanowski hoop ik ten stelligste dat de wens van de
Nederlandse Prins Bernhard werkelijkheid zal worden. Ben 51 jaar, hobby is de geschiedenis
van WW2, maar van deze site krijg ik zelf koude rillingen. Anders gezegd prachtig,doe zo
16 September 2004
H K J Breman
Zeer goede website.Ik vind dat de gesneuvelden en de overlevende Polen bij de slag
om Arnhem de eer krijgen die ze verdienen.
16 September 2004
Ben Sanders
Als iemand die geïnteresseerd is in geschiedenis en nu gepensioneerd is, moet ik helaas
bekennen dat ik niet wist dat ook Poolse soldaten hebben deelgenomen aan Market Garden.
Wel dat de Polen o.a.Breda hebben bevrijd.De Poolse President Lech Walesa bezocht West
Brabant tijdens zijn staatsbezoek aan Nederland in october 1994, om daar de Polen te
gedenken die in 1944 in Brabant zijn gesneuveld. Maar over de inzet tijdens Market Garden
wordt maar heel weinig geschreven. Kennelijk is er dus vanaf het begin naar toe gewerkt om
de rol van Generaal Sosabowski en zijn mannen te beperken. Ik hoop dan ook van harte dat
alsnog een -weliswaar postuum en veel te laat - teken van waardering voor deze inzet kan
worden uitgereikt door de Nederlandse regering. Mede dankzij de TV documentaire die mij
althans de ogen heeft geopend, zou dit mogelijk moeten zijn.
16 September 2004
Jeroen krijvenaar
I salute the soldiers who fought and died, for liberating my country. I was not born in
that time but my parents and grandparents still tell me stories about those years and the
heros in this great war, and I tell them to my kids. So the sories will not be forgotten
and also the people who left there lives will be remembered. Jeroen
16 September 2004
United States
10th SFG. I will jump this weekend in Arnhem. In reading about the battle I notice that
our Polish friends were there too--just like now: Americans, Brits, and Poles fighting
16 September 2004
Mayke Lohuis
Arnhems toren, baken bij de brug, waarvoor zovelen vielen. Als wachter over onze stad,
klinken zijn klokken in september, remember, remember...
17 September 2004
Hi. i was born in ARNHEM and i still love the people who saved my city from the
germans my grandpa killed his favorite horse to feed my mom he was an underground fighter
(verzet) yesterday we all stood still to remember all the army members who gave their
lives for us. thank you for that!!! we the people now from arnhem still remember you all
after 60 years thanks for my life and that of my sisters/family i thanks my granddad and
you also!
17 September 2004
exelent site the gear page is the best kind of equipment page ive found ever!!!!!!!!!!!
17 September 2004
magdelena Quaedvlieg
I was born in Zevenaar 1952, my parents and grand parents are from Arnhem, and my dad and
mum migrated to Australia in 1956. in 2000 I went to visit my family that still all live
in and around Arnhem, they took me to oosterbeek and we watched a film of the war, my Aunt
told me stories as did my auncle I would like to very much thank all the people from
Holland for my life and I hope to come back to my birth place again very soon
17 September 2004
Thank you for your work on this web site giving people space to write down their
experiences and sentiments.Honestly: I really cant help having little understanding
how one still can be proud of having killed so and so many enemies. I think the rescuers
under Stanislaw Sosabowski also deserve the propagated honour of having liberated parts of
the Netherlands - if not even a multitude of it, because they were missing at home while
Warsaw revolted. I may be wrong, but I wished, general Paulus too had had the braveness to
withdraw the remainders of his army from Stalingrad in time - against the stupid order to
remain until the last drop of blood. This was far from making peace for
Europe, which we cannot live without, which we have to be grateful for and we have to
thank our forbears, who made it possible for us bringing an end to the war 1945 in a more
human way even by the risk of inevitably spending lives. Yes, the peace they brought is
what we now can be proud of not the price it cost !Today I feel deeply sorry for all the
sacrifices in this ambitious attempt to end WW II a bit more quickly by taking the bridge
to Arnhem first beyond Remagen. In my eyes a competitive but no cool decision to be very
proud of any more, because it was unfortunately at that moment a too early step too far
under unexpected bad conditions for the 10,000 liberators, dropped into a hopeless fight:
3,600 of them killed within nine days, finally 2000 brought back across the water with
Polish, Canadian, Australian and US help, the others were swallowed in the river or taken
prisoner by German survivals - so to see in your very accurately investigated
documentation - in addition to the latest anniversary reports on television.I only can
hope that most of the captured paratroopers came home again soon after like my injured
father did having been released early from British arrestment at Flensburg, end of May
1945.I thank god having helped him, a former coast guard artillery officer, getting safely
out of the hell at Arnhem in September 1944. The emotional touch lasted for many years on
his mind. And he could not stop telling me, that he was sheltering in the earth one night
long, while masses of grenades crossed the river Rhine to hit him. He told me too, that
the offer of surrender to save more human lives was not accepted by the very tough and
extremely brave British commander, he was a colonel, named Frost ?, I think. Any way,
after having fought desperately on both sides he finally agreed to seize fire just for one
hour to take in at least the wounded persons from the battle fields. This was in some
respect, if I may say so, a sign of civilization or willingness to show some humanitarian
behaviour in such a confusing situation. That some of the wounded seemed later to have
been treated badly by frightful SS troops or by bombing, as to read in the guest books of
this site, is to blame on and makes me still feel a bit ashamed under the joy of freedom.
17 September 2004
Rafal Przezdziecki
Szacunek dla wszystkich zolnierzy ktorzy walczyli i zgineli podczas drugiej wojny
swiatowej,a zwlaszcza dla tych ktorzy 60 lat temu brali udzial w operacji Market
Garden.Pamietamy o nich i nigdy nie zostana oni zapomnieni.Za wasza i nasza wolnosc!
Respect for all soldiers who fought and died during world war II, specially for those who
60 years ago fight in operation Market Garden.We remember and never forgot this
soldiers.For yours and ours freedom!
18 September 2004
Ron B.
United States
Today on the 60th Anniversary, We remember our brave sky soldiers, that participated in
Operation Market Garden. We shall never forget their sacrifice. Our local VFW flew
American flags today. Today is also Citizenship Day in America and the ratification
anniversary of the U.S. Constitution. Proud to be a U.S. Citizen and Airborne All the Way,
18 September 2004
Dirk Jan Andrée Wiltens
Fantastische site !! Kom net terug uit oosterbeek en heb gezien dat deze slag nooit
vergeten zal worden.
18 September 2004
let`s please honour the polish fighters!!Now!!!
18 September 2004
Dear old soldiers, veterans and paratroops of the alied forces (British and CZ soldiers)
Thanks alot for your contribution to the memorial Marget Garden Ginkle Heath! As Sir
Micheal Jackson said: may GOD be with us and may He saves us from operations like these;
that peace may be the highest desire for all! In honest remembrance!
19 September 2004
Bram Molenaar
Probeer elk jaar bij de herdenking aanwezig te zijn, helaas dit jaar was niet mogelijk.
Dit mag nooit vergeten worden. Dank aan alle strijders.
19 September 2004
We shall never forget all the heros who died to liberate us from the germans. We shall
always remember them. Theo Oosterlaken
19 September 2004
Astrd Hettema-Savelkouls
good morning i just saw the program on television it was very impressing even though i was
born after ww2 i am very interrested because i was born in 1956 in Arnhem thank you for
this site wish you lotts of succes greetings astrid
19 September 2004
Peter Gommans
Thank you so much for all you have done for our freedom and god bless all of them
19 September 2004
Carolien Groenestein
I have just seen the program, we may never forget......
19 September 2004
J.G.van Haaften
Met dank en eerbied denk ik nog steeds aan onze bevrijders.
19 September 2004
Annelies van den Berg
U heeft met ziel en zaligheig voor onze vrijheid gevochten. Dank u wel.
19 September 2004
United Kingdom
Saw the british paratroopers on the news comemorating the anniversary of operation market
garden. It was great to see the people of Arhnem making them so very welcome. THANK
19 September 2004
Hans en Regien Becker
As past war children we are very moved and thankfull!
19 September 2004
United States
Being part of the jump to honor the American, Dutch, British, Canadian, and Polish
veterans was a honor for us in the US Army. The large turn-out of people who came, and the
festivities afterwards made it a very positive experience. Thank you to the people of
19 September 2004
Mag nooit vergeten worden
19 September 2004
John Frequin
Ik ken alleen de verhalen van mijn vader en grootvader, bekend als ome Piet in het verzet
rond Arnhem. Het blijkt, ook tegenwoordig, dat er mensen nodig zijn, die zover gaan als
hun leven te geven voor vrijheid. Zonder vrijheid zijn andere waarden niet (goed)
mogelijk. Alle gevallenen RIP.
19 September 2004
Penelope Eagle
i lost my uncle last year, luckily i took him to Arnham before he died and said his last
farewell to all the friends he lost - i have a son myself and hope that he will never have
to see the things my uncle saw that time, it haunted him all his life
19 September 2004
Justice must be done for this Hero Sosabowski
19 September 2004
René Bakker
Netherlandsik ben afgelopen zomer in hotel Hartenstein geweest, het was zeer indrukwekkend
en mag nooit verloren gaan, net als de herinneringen aan deze gewaagde operatie
19 September 2004
Wim Evelien Luc en Philip van Bergen
bedankt dat wij nu in vrij heid kunnen leven onbezorgd over de verworven vrijheid.
19 September 2004
Gineke Putters
To all veterans and victims: Thank you so much, we owe you our freedom and our life. God
bless you.
19 September 2004
United Kingdom
never forgotten in our hearts, of all the soldiers that took part, if our hearts could
build a road, to the heavens that you reign. we will walk up that golden road of yours and
bring you home again,,...god bless
19 September 2004
Michelle en Nick
Bedankt voor wat u voor ons heeft gedaan wij zullen u nooit vergeten
19 September 2004
Charles Capello
With all respect for all the soldiers who fought at Market Garden and specially those who
lost their lives in action.
19 September 2004
Chantal Vredeveld
I would like to thank all who fought for our freedom. To honour you, we should all guard
the ideals you held high. a big hug for all veterans.
19 September 2004
gerard smit
I can live my life by their courage and effort. These men are heroes, they deserve the
deepest respect and honour
19 September 2004
Ik ben zelf 16 jaar en heb het dus allemaal zelf niet mee gemaakt!Maar toch heeft Market
Garden een grote inpact op mij!Me Opa en Oma wonen 200 meter van de brug vandaan! En als
ik bij ze ben ga ik altijd naar die brug toe! Als ik daar ben moet ik altijd aan die slag
denken! Ik zie die mannen echt als mijn Bevrijders! Zonder hun had ik niet in deze vrije
wereld geleefd! Ik zou echt niet kunnen wat hun hebben gedaan! Daarom mogen we onze Hero`s
nooit vergeten! Niek.
19 September 2004
Jos Jansen
Unbeleavable how other countries supported us during the war.
19 September 2004
Mijne Heren, Op de dag dat 60 jaren geleden (19.9.1944) door een Duits bombardement
de vreugde over de bevrijding van de stad Eindhoven flink werd getemperd en de stad vele
doden te betreuren had heb ik met belangstelling de herdenking van de Slag om Arnhem op TV
gevolgd. Zeer interessant en indrukwekkend en steeds opnieuw is er weer die bewondering en
respect voor de "Angels From Heaven" die zo heldhaftig de ongelijke strijd met
de vijand aangingen. Helaas hebben velen die strijd met de dood moeten bekopen. Verheugend
is het daarom dat ook vele jongeren die herdenking meemaken en hopelijk dat zij er in de
toekomst iets mee zullen doen. Met groeten, J.C. Jegerings, Nuenen.
19 September 2004
Gea Helder
Bij de jaarlijkse herdenking van "De slag om Arnhem" denk ik vaak terug aan mijn
lagere schooltijd in Zaandam. In die periode, dat zal vermoedelijk in 1954 geweest zijn
(dus 50 jaar geleden) leerden we tijdens de geschiedenisles een gedicht. Ik vond het
altijd een mooi en ontroerend gedicht. Jammer genoeg weet ik tot op heden niet wie het
geschreven heeft, maar de tekst zit nog heel diep in mijn hart. Omdat het nu 60 jaar
geleden is dat de slag om Arnhem plaatsvond, wil ik toch op deze manier opnieuw onder de
aandacht brengen.
De Helden van Arnhem.
Oh volk van Nederland
grif deze strijd diep in uw hart en gemoed.
Zijn wij tesaam verlost en bevrijdt,
"t is dankzij hun taaiheid en moed
Want ze vochten tien dagen
Tien nachten lang
Menigeen bezweek.
Maar ze hielden stand tot de laatste man
Bij Arnhem en Oosterbeek
Op een smalle strook grond
Doorploegd van het vuur
In het troostloze puin van een straat
Worstelde dag bij dag, uur na uur
De Britse kameraad.
Want ze vochten tien dagen
Tien nachten lang
Menigeen bezweek.
Maar ze hielden stand tot de laatste man
Bij Arnhem en Oosterbeek
Eens zal ons volk zich scharen in een stoet
Dat zal onze rouwdag zijn
En dragen een vrome, innige groet
Bij het simpele graf aan de Rijn
Een krans van trots, een krans van trouw
en eeen krans van dankbaarheid.
Voor die kleine schare die stond als een rots
En streed de zware strijd.
Want ze vochten tien dagen,
tien nachten lang.
Menigeen bezweek.
Maar ze hielden stand voor Nederland
Bij Arnhem en Oosterbeek
19 September 2004
Tonnie Schalke
We remember with many respects the victims of Market Garden
19 September 2004
Rody Kortekaas
For those who fights for our freedom. Thanks to all Veterans.
19 September 2004
H. Thoonen
Only three words can capture everything: RESPECT, RESPECT and RESPECT.
19 September 2004
Marit Veenstra
This has been my first visit to marketgarden.com. Eagerly Iread the personal stories of
veterans and civilians and was moved afterwards. I have reached the age of 24 without any
seriously shocking events and it now feels so unfair: many who died during this War were
younger than I am now. Maybe I will never fully understand what the War was like, but I do
know that I am happy to have grown up in peace. I intensely hope never to see a gun, tank
or bombing aircraft in action; I can do without. May all those who are fighting in the
world right now, understand how wonderful peace is. My thoughts are with them.
19 September 2004
To the veterans and their families; thank you so much for everything you and your beloved
ones did to liberate my parents. God bless you all.
19 September 2004
This a very important site. It honours the brave men who fought during Market-Garden. To
these men I would like to say;Thank you!! Thank you for your fight for our freedom.
19 September 2004
Ton Kramps
These days I always remember my dear friend Arthur Carman from Chester
19 September 2004
hans hulsteijn
To the veterans and their families; thank you so much for everything you and your beloved
ones did to liberate my parents. God bless you all. BEDANKT HELDEN VAN ARNHEM
19 September 2004
We may never forget!! Thank you for everything you have done for our freedom.
19 September 2004
A.J.L.W. van Rhee
19 September 2004
F. Bertram and family
Thanks to the soldiers who fought and died in the war of 1940-1945, we can now live in
freedom......That their souls may rest in piece.....God bless their families
19 September 2004
NetherlandsThey shall not grow old, as we that are left, grow old. Age shall not weary
them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, WE WILL
19 September 2004
We may never forget what they suffer and lost to give us a free World. support the present
troops who try to realize a free World. Worked as a military (Air Force) K9 handler
at Soesterberg Air Base. At the base was stationed the 32nd "Wolfhounds" TFS
squadron of the USAF(E). During WW II this American squadron was, among other places,
stationed at Hato Field, Curacao and Dakota Field, Aruba for a protecting of the
19 September 2004
Dies Meurs
Opdat wij niet vergeten!
19 September 2004
joop de LAAT
Thanks very very much,you liberated us from the bloody moffen.
19 September 2004
United Kingdom
I would like to thank all in hrnhem for looking after the men and there resting places,and
the kids of today thank you so much.
19 September 2004
Jan Rozema
Interesting Website with a lot of information. Greetings , Jan
19 September 2004
Leon van der Kolk
The men of Sosabowski deserve awards for their contrubution in opartion marketgarden. ik
was best boos dat deze soldaten niet zijn onderscheiden alleen onder de druk van Engeland.
Hun aandeel in deze slag om Arnhem is net zo belangrijk als de engelsen. Ze kunnen veel
zeggen maar de mensen die er over lezen en horen weten wel beter, de poolse soldaten
hebben ook mee gevochten. Alleen daar door moeten ze al onderscheiden worden. GEEF HEN HUN
19 September 2004
Hans Hooft
As secretary of a local committee, organizing the memorial ceremonies on 17 September and
4 May, I fully support and applaud this initiative to make the sacrifice of so many brave
soldiers a contribution to our freedom we must never forget.
19 September 2004
Roel Hulsbosch
Brilliant site. Truly a online memorial. Regards, Roel Hulsbosch
19 September 2004
Wilbert Noordhof
Thanks to all soldiers who fought in the second world war to liberate us. Thanks to your
courage we can live in freedom now. you will never be forgotten. And when he comes to
heaven To Saint Peter he will tell: One more soldier reporting sir- Ive served my
time in Hell
19 September 2004
anton de man
In 1989 kwam ik bij het brengen van een transport met hulpgoederen, in de stad Jelenia
Gora in Polen, een man tegen die voor de pastoor, waar wij het transport brachten, als
tolk optrad. Deze man sprak ook Duits. Na enige tijd zij deze man tegen mij "Anton ik
ben wel eens in Nederland geweest. O ja "zei ik "wanneer dan"? Zijn
antwoord was: "In 1944. Ik heb meegevochten in de slag om Arnhem als Pools soldaat.
En ik zou graag nog eens terug willen gaan naar deze plaats". In het toen nog
communisties Polen haast onmogelijk. In Nederland, in Middelharnis, had ik contacten met
een oud verzetstrijder de inmiddels overleden mijnheer Grotenhuis. Toen ik met mijn
verhaal over de ontmoeting in Polen bij hem kwam nam hij het initiatief om deze oud
strijder uit Polen naar de herdenking 45 jaar slag om Arnhem te halen. Met veel moeite
lukte het om Jozef Brandys deze Poolse oud stijder naar Nederland te krijgen. Op Schiphol,
waar wij Jozef afhaalden, mochten wij dit bij hoge uitzondering doen bij de trap van het
vliegtuig. Bij de controle waar wij langs moesten zat een jonge marrechausee. Toen de heer
Grotenhuis tegen hem zij wie deze Poolse mijnheer was en wat hij in 1944 gedaan had stond
de jonge man op van zijn stoen en bracht de militaire groet. Toen wij het dorpje Driel
binnemreden, waar Jozef in 1944 was gedropt, kwamen bij Jozef weer veel herinneringen
boven. Voor mij was dat even slikken. Hij werd die dagen ondergebracht bij een ook duits
sprekende mevrouw. Wij hebben samen met Jozef de herdenking op de begraafplaats in 1989
meegemaakt. Langs de Poolse graven lopend zij Jozef stilstaand voor een graf "Hier
ligt mijn kammeraad begraven die naast mij werd doorgeschoten" Later in de week toen
hij samen met oud strijders een boottocht op de Rijn maakte ontmoette hij voor het eerst
na de slag om Arnhem zijn oud Commandant die na de oorlog in Engeland was gaan wonen.
Jozef heeft na de oorlog in Polen nooit de erkenning gehad voor zijn stijd tegen het
toenmalig Duitse bewind. Na 1989 is Jozef bij elke herdenking in Arnhem geweest. Ik ben
hem zelf een keer wezen halen met de auto in Polen omdat er op dat moment geen vervoer
mogelijk was. Hij logereerde dan bij de voorzitter van het herdenkings- commitee in Driel.
Als ik in Jelenia Gora Jozef ging bezoeken liet hij mij zijn uniform zien waar hij in liep
tijdens zijn soldatentijd. Ook zag ik veel fotos uit die tijd en hoorde ik veel verhalen.
Jozef heeft na 1989 pas de erkenning gekregen waar hij en alle Poolse oud strijders recht
op hebben. Het was een vergeten groep. Maar wat zij voor onze vrijheid en huidige welvaart
hebben gedaan is ONVERGETELIJK 19 september 2004. geschreven door Anton de Man (63 jaar)
19 September 2004
hilco kuipers
I would like to thank all the dear veterans who have helped to free our country , so that
we can live in peace and enjoy our beautiful life that we have, thanks to you all. You
will never be forgotten and will live in our harts and
in the harts of my children for evermore, because i will tell them everything that has
happened , that you have done for us ,so thank you for your sacrifise. you all will live
in our hearts for evermore.
19 September 2004
Wim de Leeuw
Its unbelievable what they did for us, give there lives for our freedom
19 September 2004
Alexander STEL
We welcomed our liberators (in our case; The Canadian forces) in Tilburg, but nevertheless
All our Liberators should be welcomed the same way.
19 September 2004
Maaike Hofstra
Een hele mooie site. Dit is iets want we nooit mogen vergeten en deze site draagt daar toe
19 September 2004
Paul Cools
Mijn vrouw en ik zijn gisterenmiddag (zaterdag 18 september) naar de herdenkingsdienst
geweest, pal onder de brug. We waren beiden zeer geroerd door de ingetogenheid van de
bijeenkomst en het gevoel van saamhorigheid dat er was. Ons respect voor de veteranen en
voor de aanwezige militairen van het 2nd Battalion van het Parachute Regiment. Met dank
aan de soldaat die me de lezing van de dienst gaf!
19 September 2004
Langhelaar, D.W.A
Zeker onze steun voor erkenning, in navolging van Z.K.H. Hoe bestaat het, dat de minister
geen reden ziet voor het verzoek van de Prins. De oorzaak hiervan zal wel het belabberde
geschiedenisonderwijs zijn en zijn jeugd.
Het is een regelrechte schande, dat de Polen wel goed genoeg waren hun leven te geven,
maar hiervoor nooit de erkenning kregen, die ze verdienden.
19 September 2004
I was a little boy of only six years old when were liberated by the allied forces in the
north west of Holland. Many of the allied soldiers gave their lives to liberate our
country. It is our duty to never forget their sacrifices
19 September 2004
Thanks for this great site!!!I must say you and your team have created a great site over
the years. I hope this may give the current generation and population a good immage of the
operation at the time. Since my youth I was wondering WHY and HOW one single man (Hitler)
could be so followed by so many of "his" people. I got especially intrested in
the liberation of Holland, than I came accross Market-Garden, I saw the movie in 1977 in
the cinema, since then it got a hold on me. Was it indeed a Bridge too far...? I believe
that EVERY single soldier who fought to liberate us Dutchies deserve a meddle of honour!!!
19 September 2004
Jan-Evert Slooten
Ga vooal door met het in stand houden van herdenkingen en zorg ervoor dat ook latere
generaties het nooit zullen vergeten!! Strijders bedankt voor alles!!!
21 September 2004
Barrie Stephenson
United Kingdom
My father, Desmond Stephenson, (also known as Deb and Stevo) was a corporal in the RASC.
He dropped as part of Operation Market Garden on Sept 17th 1944. He was shot in the leg on
Sept 23rd and eventually taken to the hospital in Appledoorn. He was captured and taken to
a camp in Sagen. In February 1945 he bagan the so called death march to the prison camp at
Bad Orb before being liberated by Americans. He died of a heart attack in November 1984 on
a mountainside in Austria. My brother and I were in Oosterbeek and Arnhem for the 60th
anniversary commemorations. We were very impressed with the appreciation the Dutch people
showed for the efforts of the allied troops in 1944 despite the initial defeat and
worsening of their situation as a result. Our own understanding of how our father served
was also significantly improved.
19 September 2004
H. Schuhmacher
Very good information on this site
19 September 2004
I can only say that I have deep respect for those who wanted to fight and die for our
country.. I Am A Child Of Freedom, Thank YOU Mr Veteran
19 September 2004
stef de jongh
laten we hopen dat zo iets nooit meer gebeurd en laat ons stil staan bij wat die jonge
mannen en vrouwen voor ons hebben gedaan zodat wij nu in vrijheid mogen leven
19 September 2004
oscar kohnen
In deep respect for all those who gave their lives for a cause, from which we, young will
ever benefit. Their heroic fight for freedom should never be forgotten
19 September 2004
Louis Neesman
Een prachtige informatieve site. Jammer dat sommige onderdelen van de site niet up-to-date
19 September 2004
Cocky van der Velden
Remember all those man who giving there lives for our freedom and remenber that war NEVER
but NEVER be good is ....its destroy many lives
19 September 2004
Gerard van Vulpen
Opdat wij nooit mogen vergeten. Zag vandaag de herdenking op de begraafplaats.Zeer
indrukkwekkend. Indrukkend wat u van deze site hebt gemaakt.
19 September 2004
arie coodee
Zonder onze Engelse bevrijders te kort te doen hoop ik dat de Nederlandse regering, op
korte termijn, ook onze Poolse bevrijders de eer en erkenning doet toekomen waar ze recht
op hebben.
19 September 2004
Tony Tilleman
Most impressive Thank you
19 September 2004
Robert James Stead
United Kingdom
We are here because of their ultimate sacrifice. Let all the free countries never forget.
Let all the oppressed peoples of the world strive toward the same end. Freedom and
19 September 2004
L Hirdes
I want to thank the soldiers for the freedom I have today. Those soldiers are the greatist
men on this planet. I will bring flowers to the graves in Oosterbeek. And the living
soldiers I thit see on tv are an example for the rest of the world. THANK YOU
19 September 2004
gert schaftenaar
ik heb vandaag de herdenking gezien op tv en dit jaar voor het eerst de airbornemars
meegelopen als je dan op de begraafplaats staat en de leeftijden ziet besef je pas wat
19 September 2004
Pauline Hillidge
I was a young girl living in England when Operation Marketgarden took place, and I
remember my family talking about it all with pride and sadness. I visited Oosterbeek
sometime in the 80s and was filled with such great sadness seeing all the graves . Thank
you can never be enough for those brave souls ,but it is really all we can say .I would
like to say a heart felt thank you also to those who tend the cemetary with such care.It
is a credit to them .
19 September 2004
Jan Pennewaard
I am a old soldier of the Dutch special commando troops in de year (1966) Thank you all
soldiers of LIBERATORS in de year 1944
19 September 2004
Corrie Meester
Thank you for freedom
20 September 2004
Ton en Carla van Hees
Geef de Polen waar zij recht op hebben! Schande dat dit nog niet gebeurd is.
20 September 2004
Gerjan Meboer
Hello Mister Hoekstra, Perfecte site, en een enorm "coole" opening in deze tijd.
Heb met aandacht het intervieuw gehoord via de VPRO radio deze ochtend! Niets dan lof, en
lekker adrem toch! Kinderen, bloemen, veteranen, aandacht en herdenken, Ik heb genoten! En
een heleboel mensen erbij, dat is zeker!! Druk, druk en nog eens druk deze afgelopen weken
maar onze oprechte complimenten! Kippevel, waardering en veel respekt!
20 September 2004
Michael K. Whalen
United States
My dad was a participant in Market-Garden. He was a junior officer (either 1st. or 2nd
Lt.) in B Co., 307th Engr. Bttn., 82nd Airborne part of the 505th Regimental Combat Team
throughout the war from North Africa to Germany. He earned his Bronze Star during
20 September 2004
Thank you very much for our Freedom. Peace forever and everywhere!
20 September 2004
D hargreaves
United Kingdom
Very touching site, its a shame the youths of today are forgetting the very brave youths
of yesterday, but i for one will not...
20 September 2004
Drs. Edward W. Leeuwin
When we were liberated in Eindhoven, on the 18th of September 1944, I was 9 years old. My
brother Alfred, who was three years older than myself, and knew much about
airplane-recognition in those days, shouted "Heinkel 111" in the early evening
of the 19th of September when we were celebrating our liberation in the street where we
lived (Guido Gezellestraat): at the same time we saw regular rows of bombs falling from
those same airplanes, how right he was!
20 September 2004
Thank all the brave soldiers who died en still live.
20 September 2004
Reinier van Vuure
Hoekstra, Ammerlaan and Hendriks thank you very much for your very touching site. Deep
respect for all those who gave their lives for a great cause. I had just turned 18 years
when the Airbornes landed. Within 30 minutes after their landing, I was confronted with my
contemporaries and was in awe how the man walked humbly in good spirits to their fight.
After 60 years I feel still in debt and thankful for their example of moral strength.
20 September 2004
k wil iedereen bedanken die mee hebben gefogten in de twede wereld oorlog de gealieerden
dan voor onze vryheid.
20 September 2004
Henk A.de Zoete
On the 8th of april 1945, I was 13 years, in Goor (Ov.) the Poles made us free from
the Germans.To them the glory and justice.Thank you boys we never forget you!
20 September 2004
van der plas
the memoranceday on the 17th of september was unforgettabl. fantastic and very
emotional.thanks to the veterans and the people of arnhem/oosterbeek
20 September 2004
Hans Blankennagel
Onvoorstelbaar wat een scala van fouten en missers men heeft begaan tijdens de
voorbereiding van operatie Market Garden. Echter als ik in Oosterbeek in de bossen loop
denk ik met grote eerbied terug aan de jonge jongens die voor onze vrijheid hun leven
hebben gegeven
20 September 2004
Eirik Lindahl
Thanks for keeping the memory alive, of the young and old men fighting so hard for our
freedom today - and of their overambitious and careless military leaders, wasting so many
lives withouth ever getting punished themselves.
20 September 2004
Roy Laverman
Ik ben van 1947 en dus de oorlog niet meegemaakt, maar mij altijd voor de geschiedenis van
de 2de wereldoorlog geïnteresseerd. Mijn ouders hebben de Jappenkampen overleefd.
19 september 2004 met ontroering gekeken naar de herdenking van 60 jaar Market Garden.
Vechten voor je eigen vrijheid is al moeilijk, maar vechten en zelfs sterven voor de
vrijheid van anderen is de "ultimate sacrifice". Dat is wat de jongens en mannen
- niet alleen bij Arnhem - maar overal in Europa, Afrika, Azië en de Pacific hebben
gedaan. Dat mag nooit en nooit worden vergeten!! PS Mijn grote complimenten en waardering
voor jullie site.
20 September 2004
Michal Przybylski
Excellent page - lots of work and good content. We shall never forget these guys that died
20 September 2004
Trijnie en Piet v D
Op zondag 20-09-2004 bezochten wij Hartenstein en de Ere begraafplaats. Goed dat zovelen
het gedenken, wij zijn 70 érs en proberen het aan kinderen en kleinkinderen door te
geven, dat zij nu in vrijheid leven is aan U te danken
20 September 2004
Andy McCallum
United Kingdom
I am completely in awe of Market Garden and the boys who fought at Arnhem. This website is
the finest of any kind I have seen, and so much to look at. In defeat there was infact
victory, for the Dutch civilians and the soldiers.Thankyou !
20 September 2004
Gerrit Assies
After visiting Normandy this year which was a very impressive tour, we wanted to visit the
memorial of Market Garden. It was an impressive day. I have seen many veterans and spoke a
few. I want to say thanks for all you did for us. Thanks to your efforts our generation
can live in a free Holland. Thansk again and God bless you all.
21 September 2004
R. Boesjes
To all the soldiers who figth for our freedom, thanks. A bridge to far become a bridge to
the future
21 September 2004
Went to the Market Garden Commemoration for the first time, and I must say it was very
impressive to see those men who risked their lives for our freedom 60 years ago.Thank you
guys, and I hope mankind will never have to endure what happened to the world 60 years
20 September 2004
Thomas van leeuwen
Thank you for our freedom.you give us hope!
20 September 2004
Bill Richings
A very good site and great photo,s. I wish that everyone could see this. It does the old
soldiers proud.
20 September 2004
Pim Prins
It is also to be remembered the heroic contribution of the Polish forcies in final battle
in Normandy. They stopped the Gremany army to escape to the Seine,at the Mont Ormel. They
will always be remembered as heroes but please give them the honoer. Pim Prins
20 September 2004
David Campbell
United Kingdom
What a great website... my father in law who lives in Zeist sent me this as he knew I was
very interested in this subject. My great uncle fought as a "Red Devil" and
survived the war and many were the stories of his experiences. It is very important that
we should not forget what these men did to assure us of our freedom.
20 September 2004
Patriotic Association Haaltert-Belgium
At Haaltert-Belgium there is inaugurated on Friday 3 September 2004 at the Hoogstreet an
memorial (4 commemorate plaques) about the liberation of the Dender-region and also a
special commemorate plaque a tribute to the Dutch evacués after Operation Market Garden
and combats at the MAAS-river(about 500 people) who where helping/hiding here at
Haaltert-Belgium at the end of 1944-begin 1945.(LOTTUM-BLERICK-VENLO region) This memorial
and friendship with the Dutch-people between Haaltert-Belgium and Holland will stay for
ever! Patriotic Association of Haaltert-Belgium.
21 September 2004
michael sosabowski
United Kingdom
I have just returned from a truly amazing four days in Holland which included a parachute
jump on the day my grandfather and his brave men jumped 60 years ago. Thank God that the
Dutch people know and value what a huge contribution the Polish troops made! Shame that
the British do not.
21 September 2004
joseph salowitz
United States
Thank you for your wonderful site. It has presented a counterpoint to the propaganda being
spread by the American government that America should stand alone in the world because
other nations do not appreciate the sacrifice of American lives to bring about freedom in
the world. It is amazing how far a simple "thank you" can go to prove that there
are people of good will all over the world. I wish there were some way to bring this site
to the attention of our president so that America could, once again, rejoin the worldwide
community of freedom loving nations as we were during World War II.
21 September 2004
Albert Aukema
As I was very much impressed by the 60th Anniversary Memorial Service for Market Garden I
was curious about the WebSite. I have checked out all detailed information and the only
thing I have to say is...... This is as impressive as the Memorial Service was. This keeps
the memory alive, as it should. Even if there will come a time that there will be no WW2
veteran alive we should never forget that due to their sacrifice we can live in freedom.
Keep up this great work.
21 September 2004
jan tekkelenburg
Groot respect voor hen die daar vochten, Britten en Polen.
21 September 2004
Dave Smith
I was born in 1942 in the UK, a War Baby. Over the years of my life I have come to
appreciate the sacrifice made by these men in their effort to overcome Nazi-ism and the
German occupation of Europe. We could never imagine what it could be like to go through
such a traumatic time having lived in relative peace for so long. It is only fitting to
remember and honour the men who made it possible. Thank you, for giving me the chance to
live in a free society.
21 September 2004
james fleming
United Kingdom
Congratulations on the wonderful tribute you are trying to achieve for General Sosabowski
and good wishes for all your tremendous work in everything airborne.
22 September 2004
My father was in a glider that landed in Arnhem for operation Market Garden. He was shot
in the leg And captured by the Germans and spent till the end of the war in different
prison camps he passed away in May 2003 still suffering with his leg injuries. Private
Donald Hodge may he rest in peace A wonderful father and a gentleman
22 September 2004
David Haydock
New Zealand
I was over in the Netherland in May-June this year and spent time in Arnhem with
relatives. Rode out on bikes to see the cemmetary at Oosterbeek, but did not know where to
look for the NZers. Will have to be back.
22 September 2004
Goede middag, ik ben blij dat jullie zoveel aandacht aan dit besteedt en ik hoop dat
jullie zo door blijven gaan vooral voor de mensen die hiervoor gestorven zijn, bedankt. 1
ding is dat ik zo juist bij de overledenen zat te kijken en merkte dat bij: james ricketts
age 27 army nr T-169028 en dan bij personal notes een verhaal stond over F-LT Lord over
zijn helden daad. wel licht staat dit verkeerd of ik heb het fout dat kan ook maar het
viel mij op omdat ik geen link kan leggen tussen deze twee. bedankt voor alles
22 September 2004
United Kingdom
I have just returned from Arnhem for the 60th Commemoration with my family. I hoped to
find out what happened to my Grandfather L/cpl Charles WADDILOVE A COY 2 Para but most of
the veterans were very busy.I will be returning again in a few years time.I do have some
personal photos of my grandfather and a Commpany photo as well as a Platoon photos.The web
site is great. kev masterman
22 September 2004
Richie Gillett
United Kingdom
I would like to express my thanks to the people of Arnhem for the way they welcomed the
Veterans,and also the thousands of ex Paras who made the trip to this years
commemorations.Also in reply to the guy who posted his message earlier, anybody who knows
about the history of Arnhem would NEVER underestimate the contribution of the Polish Para
22 September 2004
Phil Palmer
South Africa
A great web site, and a fitting tribute to brave men.
23 September 2004
John Dingwall
United Kingdom
Dear Andries & Frans The Airborne community owes you much for the dedication and hard
work you put into this site. I wish Market Garden.Com all the success in the world.
Lothian Branch PRA
23 September 2004
S. Peters
Wat een indrukwekkende site. Dit is zo belangrijk. Ik hoop dat deze site nog lang blijft
bestaan, zodat sraks mijn kinderen, als zij ouder zijn, ook kunnen lezen over de mensen,
die hun leven gaven voor onze vrijheid. Vriendelijke groeten S.
23 September 2004
Michael Woodacre
United Kingdom
Eternally endeted to those people who fought in the 2ndWW. Remembered always. Thank-you.
24 September 2004
Jane Tyrrell
United Kingdom
I wrote shortly before the 60th anniversery with my dad by my side to let people know my
dad JACK KIRBY of the 11th bat; 4th brig; would be attending the Arnhem commemerations
with 4 generations of his family, although very ill my dad told me if it was the last
thing he did he would be there. whilst at the bridge for the re-opening, it all became too
much for him and he had to be taken away by family members, later that night he suffered a
heart attack and died in an Appledorn hospital on Monday the 20th sep. We, as a family all
believe he was were he wanted to be and Arnhem was his destiny. Our dad was brought home
to us today and will be buried on Friday the 31st of Sept with his Arnhem flag, his medals
and his red berret on his coffin.
25 September 2004
Fred Eisvogel
I think this is a great site. We thank our freedom to all who are fallen for us and also
to them who survived. I hope we will never forget them. I saw in the Roll of Hounour two
Brittish soldiers, twin brothers, who died here and were found side to side of eachother.
I was very impressed because I also have a twinbrother and I could imagine the reaction of
there parents. An awfull thought and I hope for the whole world that once we can live in
peace. These man made it possible for us, thank you all.
26 September 2004
Robert patrick wagenaar
I find it a very good site. What i like to know is why their are so many m.i.a. during the
campain in Arnhem!!! I put this by favourite sites.
26 September 2004
Innis Jenkins
What a wonderful website. It was an honour having had the opportunity to read it. The use
of technology at its finest in keeping history alive. I am researching and gathering
information on my uncle, Leslie Whitlock, who was killed in action on September 21, 1944.
If anyone has any additonal information to add to what is already on the website, I would
appreciate hearing of it.
28 September 2004
dick goodwin
United Kingdom
What an amazing site, it must of taken someone ages to put together. Dick Goodwin
29 September 2004
Marie Ann (20)
I would like to say thank you to the veterans, for the freedom we live in today. I´ve
been to the parachutjumps at the GINKELSE HEIDE (EDE), it was very impressing. The men
must have been so brave!!!! They gave and risked their lives for us. It´s a very
informative site with a great respect to the veterans. We must keep the history alive! We
may not forget!
29 September 2004
James Nixon
United Kingdom
my grandad took place in the operation market garden and would never talk about it its
good to be alble to visit site like this one to find out more of what he was involed in
during the war
29 September 2004
Chris Heal
United Kingdom
A really good web-site, well done guys keep up the quality of work
29 September 2004
Very well put together. A commendable job well done. I will pass on your website address
to my aunt in U.K. Her husband (156th 4th Parachute Brigade) died last year and she has
been attending the Arnhem memorials for the last 25 years. A week ago, she attended the
60th anniversary and said it was excellent. I hope to get over next year to Holland (I
just retired).Many thanks and best wishes.
30 September 2004
Malcolm Bell
United Kingdom
On the 20th September 2004, I read a comment from Michael Sosaborski, which stated that
the Dutch people know of the sacrifice the Polish paratroopers made, but the British do
not. Please be assured Michael that those people, who do not appreciate the sacrifice are
ignorant of the truth. Those that were there and their families from England are well
aware of the sacrifice. My grandfather a veteran of the battle died on the day you wrote
the message, in Arnhem whilst visiting the 60th ceremony. He was always proud to have
fought alongside the Polish paras and we always visited Driel for the Polish ceremonies. I
wish you and your family all the best.
02 October 2004
jamie saunders
United Kingdom
03 October 2004
ian underwood 2e1ijw
United Kingdom
Hello Andries. Thank you very much my friend for putting the web site together, may i say
your English, is better than my Dutch, as i can not speak dutch at all, so it is people
picking holes where no holes are present. your Web site is great, and the story you tell
from another aspect, one which im sure not very many people in U.K are aware, I was born
in 1945 after the war ,so i know nothing of the War, and do not pretend to, although a
friend of my fathers was in the paratroopers and took part in O.M.G, but he would never
talk about it when we were growning up, he broke his arm as he was leaving the plane ,he
remained free for 28 days, and that is all i know. Iam a radio Amateur and took part in
the 60th anniversary,on the 17 september our call sign was G.B.60.A.E. keep up the very
good work and the very best of luck with your site in the future. regards Ian Underwood.
03 October 2004
Tom Eurlings
I have been in Arnhem on the 18th of september 2004, and I think that you did a very good
job with the memorial.
04 October 2004
Lucyna Radziak
That is truly incredible site! Loads of informations and stuff about operation garden
market.I am very impressed by the job you`ve done.Thank you for supporting rehabilitation
of gen.Sosabowski though he should have been honored for his deeds long time
ago.Sosabowski was one of greatest Polish men. It is wonderful that Dutchmen see him as a
great hero. Sad that only a few Brits would admit that.I am glad gen. .Sosabowski`s
grandson mentioned that!
04 October 2004
Greetings! This site is superb. Obviously somebody worked very hard putting it together. I
will definitely be back to check it out further. Doug
05 October 2004
Jeff Steinbeck
United States
Great WEB page.
14 October 2004
Mateusz Palka
I think this site is great, I`m also a collector of militaria from 1SBS(polish)it`s a
great piece of living history it`s very very nice for Us that someone remembers about the
polish soldiers! GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!
08 October 2004
Stewart M Gourlay
I returned this year for the first time since 1944. Stayed with a terrific Dutch family in
Arnhem who opened their home and their hearts to us. We too will never forget
09 October 2004
Anthony Mabbitt
United Kingdom
Visited the memorial to my fathers cousin A F McCarthey glider pilot who is remembered at
Groesbeck cemetary.May he and all his comrades who paid the ultimate price be forever
remembered.Great website, hope to return next year to your lovely country.
12 October 2004
Bardzo mie cieszy fakt ze kto pamiêta o Polakach dziêkuje
13 October 2004
Don Roof
United States
Jumped at Son & Eerde with World War ll Airborne Demonstration Team to mark 60th
Anniversary of Market Garden.
16 October 2004
elizabeth harrop
United Kingdom
l was a dear friend of the late Mrs.Atie Roberts, wife of the late jess Roberts,and was
alway intrested in her recounts of the battle.
18 October 2004
Richard Hiddink
Very nice and usefull to find information about Market Garden.
17 October 2004
"For your freedom and our" In year 1939 polish army battle with germans and
russians... there was bloody battle... and in 1944 we fight for liberation Holland... in
way to liberation Poland. "Za wolnosc wasza i nasza"
W roku 1939 polska armia walczyla z Niemcami i Rosjanami... to byla krwawa walka... i w
1944 walczylismy za wyzowlenie Holandii... w drodze do wyzwolenia Polski.
17 October 2004
Adrian Master
Sir/Madam! With the deepest and in the most respectfull manner I have visited the site
MARKETGARDEN.COM, after a friend had pointed me to the site, and it is with the deepest
gratitude for all you work and efforts I salute all of those who have made this site
reality, in their efforts to commemorate and hnour all those who died for freedom and
peace! We, the people who were born after the Second WorldWar will for ever remember those
who died for our freedom and peace! As an individual I thank you wholeheartedly for what u
have done, for what u have accomplished and what will be accomplished! Is signed, Adrian
Master. ps. I suggest to take a look at different sections, to see if all pictures
implemented are functional and operational. Also, I would like to suggest to make it
possible to select MUSIC-OFF, as sometimes the music can come across as disturbing.
19 October 2004
Bradley Johnson
United Kingdom
I was a close friend to Capt Theo Redman who was such a modest man and i was touched that
he is included on this website and will not be forgotten. "We Will Remeber
21 October 2004
michael sosabowski
United Kingdom
please continue this campaign
22 October 2004
kees bavinck
A good and informative site from one of the biggest airborn operations of the second world
war. The first and the second world war should never be forgotten. Al the people in
Europe, Africa and Asia where the victims.
24 October 2004
joyce and barry marchant
United Kingdom
Had a great day out at arnham, the graves of all the soldiers who died some as young as
eighteen are looked after so well the cemetry is set in lovely grounds where years ago the
fight took place. The museum is full of equipment and clothes from lots of regiments. It
is a rememberal day /sad/but lovely
26 October 2004
Roger Norman Bush
What a great site. I served with the New Zealand Special Air Service in Borneo in 1966 and
worked with the Parachute Regiment Special Company based in Brunie. They were great
blokes. Congratulations to our Dutch Comrades who have done such a great job with the web
site. The price of freedom is enternal vigilance, LEAST WE FORGET
30 October 2004
arvin caballes
I always like history specialy world war 2 battles. with your website I have gain another
knowledge about the war. keep up the good work...
31 October 2004
Glen Johnson
United Kingdom
Excellent site. A great variety of information available in many formats. Keep up the
fantastic work. I am a WWII enthusiast and have watched a Bridge Too Far countless times.
Their courage could not be surpassed! I am the daughter of a WWII 540th Combat Engineer
and so began my interest in the second World War at a very early age. I recently created
and dedicated a site to my father and his fellow VI Corps Engineers. I am looking for
stories from WWII engineers and other WWII veterans as well to add to the site. I would be
honored if you stopped by and took a look around. If you do so, please sign our guestbook.
We also have a Message Forum. I will place a link to your site. It deserves to be seen by
as many people as possible. Warm regards, Marion Chard Proud daughter of Walter (Monday)
Poniedzialek 540th Combat Engineer WWII http://www.6thcorpscombatengineers.com
08 November 2004
Rik Rudolf Liebregt
Ik wil graag gebruik maken van deze site om mijn respect voor de jonge mensen die vochten
om een einde aan de nachtmerrie van de tweede wereldoorlog een snel eind te maken. Ik heb
het boek van cornelis ryan gelezen wat erg indruk wekkend was. Mijn grootouders zijn ziek
geworden in de honger winter en overleden, maar me vader en zijn zus hebben het gered
dankzij aardige mensen in de krommestraat in amersfoort die mijn vader hebben verborgen
tegen de arbeids inzet en opgevangen want mijn vader was maar 17 jaar oud en is zelf later
naar indie gestuurd om te vechten. U begrijpt dat de oorlog toch in mijn leven een grote
rol heeft gespeeld en ik heb zelf ook 5jaar gediend in het leger helaas niet bij een
parachutisten divisie maar wie weet komt het er ooit van om een parachutisten brigade op
te richten die in nood de troepen bij kan staan want met een paar helicopters kom je ook
niet ver en je schiet ze zo uit de lucht dus ik heb wel wat ideeen mochten er
belangstellende zijn . laat het me graag weten. Ps ik heb nooit parachute gesprongen
maardat had ughart ook niet dus dat maakt niet zo veel uit. Maar goed iniedergeval eer ik
de mensen die alles wat in hun vermogen heeft gelegen om dit te laten slagen dus ook de
polen heren regering anders moet je maar een kick unther your ass hebben. Hoogachtend Rik
Liebregt Utrecht
14 November 2004
Jim Smith
United Kingdom
Today is a very special day for us in England,Rememberance Sunday, and it seems most
fitting to say Thank you yet again for the way the Dutch have cared for our dead all these
years. Thank you and God bless you all
17 November 2004
Jimmy Gwilt
United Kingdom
Visited Nijmegen and other drop Zones many times. Father served in 6th Airborne, was
involved in many operations during WW2. Thanks for the Web Site, very much appreciated.
Kind regards from an Ex Military Man. Jimmy Gwilt
18 November 2004
Jakub Marszalkiewicz
Hello Thank you for a lesson of real history and memory of Polish troops comanded by
gen.Sosabowski. Me must remember that they fought for future Europe, not only for their
country. Theirs blood leaded to Your freedom...
20 November 2004
Susan Hulme
United Kingdom
I came across this through the links on the CWGC website. I found it most interesting as I
was able to find information on my uncle, Ken Roberts, who dies whilst going back to
rescue a wounded comrade.
23 November 2004
john lyon
United Kingdom
a generation that gave gave it all
25 November 2004
jan boon
Thanks boys, always remembered. jan
26 November 2004
great web site greetz from belgium
29 November 2004
Pat OLeary
United States
Great site, i am re-reading Ryans book and a friend told me about this web
site...fantastic. I was with the 101st Abn Div. in Viet Nam 68-68 B 2/501. The best
division in the world! Anyone help me find as Paratrooper Switchblade knife? Thanks, Hope
to m ake it to Holland some day. I took my Dad back to France for the D-Day 50th in 1994.
He was wounded at Metz, so thats as far as we got. Drive On!!
30 November 2004
1st LT Paratrooper Nuno SilvaPortugalI here pay my respect to all the men that used a pair
of wings like me and fell in the batlefield trying to make the world a better place to
live. After 60 years i can say, thak you all my brothers in arms for everithing that all
off you have gave to me and my generation... Never forgotten...
03 December 2004
Luciana Spencer
United States
Your dedication to the preservation of the memory of that amazing generation that
sacrifieced so much for our freedoms is unparalleled. From a battle scarred soldier there
is nott much more i can say, but good job and thank you. I can only hope years down the
line our sacrifices will be as noted.
08 December 2004
Pauline M H
As an English woman in Holland ,I shall try to give my own thanks , by visiting the graves
of 4 servicemen in Druten and placing flowers there as often as I am able .Humble thanks
for the freedom I and my family enjoy today.
08 December 2004
Mijn complimenten met dit initiatief Ik ben bezig met Research naar twee onderwerpen 1.
Het zogenaamde verraad door Lindemans 2. Wat gebeurde er met de Intelligence omtrent de
Duitse Panzerdivisie? En waarom. Had er iemand een belang bij? Wordt vervolgd
13 December 2004
Frank Wolstencroft
United Kingdom
My dear Father, Jim Wolstencroft fought at Arnhem, but no matter how we pressed, he would
never talk of his experiences. They were still too vivid, too painful I think even after
30 years. Sadly, he died in 1977. I am in the process of investigating my family history
and intend to try and research his part in te battle, if this is at all possible. I am
immensley proud of my dad and all the other dads, brothers , sons etc that took part in
the battle at Arnhem. God Bless all that survived and especially those that paid the
ultimate price for the freedom we enjoy today.
14 December 2004
Hong Kong
this is a very great website, which contains a lot of useful information, thx very much
16 December 2004
yu bop
Pitcairn Islands
very good site
16 December 2004
United Kingdom
23 December 2004
sue robinson
United Kingdom
A wonderful memorial to those who gave so much during WWII. |