Sir Bernard L. Montgomery, K.C.B, D.S.O, Field Marshal
On behave of: C-in-C, 21st Army Group, September 28, 1944
M 284 (.)TOPSEC(.) Personal for GIGS from c-in-c(.)
very definite progress has been made today in the SCHELDT pocket and things should go faster there now with the increased strenght that is being brought to bear (.) away to the east 8 corps has had a good day and leading troops of 3 Div are within 1,000 yards of VENRAIJ (.) we shall not persist with the thrust much longer as the whole available offensive power of Second Army will go into the thrust westwards on the general axis SHERTOGENBOSCH - BREDA and I hope to start this offensive movement on Friday (.) on my right AACHEN is now completely surrounded but fighting is still going on in the city itself (.) both Canadian and Second Armies are busy regrouping in accordance with orders which I issued today and which are contained in a new directive M 532 which will be sent you by ADLS tomorrow and gives my full plans (.) the Polish Para Bde should by now be back all back in the UK (.) this brigade performed very badly here and the men showed no keenness to fight if it meant risking their own lives (.) I do not want this brigade here again and possibly you may like to send it to join the other Poles in Italy
B.L. Montgomery, Field Marshal. C-in-C, 21st Army Group. In the field.